Friday, July 24, 2009

good news and funny stories

Ready for the funny story?


So I get home the other day, and go to the bathroom. I decided to multi task and brush my hair at the same time. Weird I know. as I am brushing my hair I feel something fall, hit my leg, and fall in the toilet.

What was that?

so I look.

wanna know what it was?

Part of my wedding ring!!


So I realize its the bottom support piece to my bucket that holds like 25 of my diamonds, great support piece huh? anyway, I call Jared's and this is how the conversation goes.

Lady: this is Jareds blah blah blah
Me: hi, you are about to hear the dumbest question you have ever heard. ready?
Lady: HA HAH HA!!! ok I am ready.
Me: a piece of my ring fell off into my toilet full of urine and I need to know if you need me to get it out, or if you can just get a new piece so I dont have to put my hand in my own waste.
Lady: ah ha ha ha!!!
Me: ....
Lady: HA HA HA HA!!!
Me: ......
Lady: um, ha ha ha, I think you can go ahead and flush, we should be able to find something to replace it with, ahahahhaa!!!!!
Me: WHEW!! thanks.
Lady: ha ha ha yep, just come on in.
Me: Ok thanks!!

As I go to hang up my phone I can hear her STILL laughing.

honestly though, who wouldn't?

I will let you know the outcome of the situation.


They do not have the piece to my ring, and they probably can not order it.


Which means they will have to replace my ring.

Which means it wont be THE ring.

THE ring I picked out.
THE ring we had custom altered so it was 1 of a kind.
THE ring he proposed with.
THE ring we took all 3 of our engagement sessions with.
THE ring I spent 8 months adoring.
THE ring that sat in a little white box on Oct 18th in the temple waiting to be put on my finger.
THE ring that is in all my wedding photos.
THE ring that I have NEVER lost!
It won't be THE ring. It will be A ring.

A ring.

Not THE ring.

Monday, July 20, 2009

rubbing off

Does anyone else notice yourself becoming more like your spouse?

I do.

and it slightly worries me.

I also see Jason becoming more like me, which also worries me. Jason is a really shy timid person, and I am quite the opposite, at least I used to be. Since we got married I have become more reserved and shy. It worried me when the other day we went to a ward softball activity, and the only person I really talked to the whole time was Jason. It made me feel worse when Jason pointed out that I was being shy.

I am not a shy person, at least I didn't use to be.

I know that when you get married, you learn and grow together, evolve into better people, but how do you keep from losing certain qualities that make up who you are?


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Home sick :-(

Well today I am home sick from work. I woke up at like 5 am with major cramps and well...OTHER problems.

I will spare you the details :-)

which is so unlike me.

I did use this day as a productive day-
*I got my oil changed
*got my hair trimmed
*whites in the washer
*the dishwasher going
*and have picked up our apartment.

speaking of which! I am so proud of Jason and I, we have continually kept our apartment clean for almost 2 weeks now!! YAY! If you know me, and my husband, we are messy people, not dirty and gross, just messy and unorganized. ya know, clothes everywhere, papers everywhere, that sorta thing. well a while ago we completely cleaned our apartment from top to bottom and have managed to clean in at the end of every night, or each morning and its been clean!! It hasnt been hard, just annoying. but yay!!

lets talk about my hair. UGH!! as you all know, my hair person is out of town, well I was in serious need of a trim.


As scared as I was to venture from Jami, I went to great clips, cause I wasn't about to pay 45$ for just a trim at some fancy shmancy place ya know? So I went to my local great clips, sat in the chair and braced myself. It wasn't that bad. She was kinda, I don't know, over the top on her makeup for my taste, lispstick everywhere, caked on fondation you know what I mean, but she did what I needed and convinced me to change my shampoo. I have been using Tea Tree shampoo and conditioner, and she told me that it dries out already fragile hair. Which I totally believed because my ends were HORRIBLE! they are so dry and just horrible, split ends, breaking and I have noticed it since I started using tea tree. I only bought it cause Jason loves how it makes your scalp tingle, so he can keep using it, I won't. its back to Biolage for me. I also bought K-Pak treament, which I used when I died my hair black, ugh, and I really liked it, so I am using that again. I am actually sitting here with it on my hair and a shower cap as we speak.

Tonight is....don don don....HARRY POTTER! I love the harry potter movies, and I will be honest I have never read the books, but I can still love the movies! which of course I do. we are going with Jason's parents to see it at 8 tonight. I am way excited.

We got a new TV for the bedroom, Jason is very excited about that lol. It was
kind of a random decision, it was an awesome deal, so we said what the heck. it arrived yesterday, w
e set it up, rented a movie, snuggled up in our bed and enjoyed our night. Its a 32'' HD flatscreen thingy. When derek comes over and he and Jason play PS3 all night, I will have a big nice TV to go watch in my room! before we had a 20" huge big box TV so this is an upgrade for sure.

Camping is soon, and I still haven't decided how long I am going to stay, they go for 9 days and I just don't know if I can hack that. But I also don't know if I could stay home alone with out Jason :( I could do it just fine if one of my friends stayed the night with me, but I don't know who would that could so I am screwed. :(

crafts. I have completed my craft that Derek got me for my birthday, and I love it!! Its a magnet board, I painted it, used scrapbook paper, leaf ribbon and a few flowers. I also made the magnets with pebbles and scrapbook paper. We use this, instead of our fridge, because I think using a fridge for this stuff looks tacky. Sorry. We have our grocery list up there, wedding annoucements, home teaching assignment, basically anything you would put on your fridge. :-)If you look on the right, there are sharpies and a pen that I hot glued magnets to so we always know where they are. Why did we do sharpies you ask? good question.

For this!! we bought this deep freezer a month ago, we bought tons of meat to fill it with, pizzas, otter pops, and other things that we just couldnt fit a lot of in our freezer. We bought ziploc bags, lots of meat, individually packaged them, and we needed to write a date on them so we knew what to use first, but we had no sharpies!! So I bought some, glued magnets to them all, half are on our magnet board, and them some are on our freezer for easy access. Genius right? I know. Its really an obnoxious big white appliance in the corner of my dining room, but I sacrifice lol. It saves us tons of money because I can do couponing and stock up on stuff I wouldnt otherwise be able to due to lack of space.

We are doing great and can't believe we have already been married for almost 9 months! It has gone by so fast! It is crazy how fast time flies when you are in love and happy. We are loving our new apartment, soooo loving it. its so close to both of our works, its such an amazing and nice ward, we seriously love our ward, to the point that we are actually going to the ward activites! we have never done that lol. We love you all and hope everyone is doing well!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

where to start!! a couple weeks ago on a nice hot sunday Jason and I went hiking at doughnut falls. its a pretty short hike and elevates about 500 ft, it was pretty nice. I am never very talkative or excited during hikes because, again, I am in it for the workout, not the scenery. So when we got to the end it was pretty cool! the water was too high from all the rain lately so we weren't able to cross the river and go up to the top, but the bottom of the fall was still cool.
I took zero pictures on the 4th of July. seriously, I suck. oh well. on the 4th we, hmm, I think we went to lunch with Jason's parents, and I can't remember what we did during the day but we cooked a brisket and ate dinner with Derek. It was SOOO delicious. I really think brisket may be my new favorite meat, except its so fatty. luckily all the fat is contained to one spot so its really easy to just cut it away. After dinner we walked over to Sugar House park, cause we live that close. :-) we met our friends there, Jordan and James. Played uno, talked and watched the fireworks. All in all it was a pretty good holiday, I could have done with some more sitting by the pool, but eh.

my husband is the sweetest cutest thing! the friday before the 4th he went golfing with his brother and I went to layton and hung out with my parents at their pool. around 6ish we both started heading home and Jason called me to tell me he had a suprise. AW! he is so fetching cute. so I got home and he told me I had to find my suprise, I went in to the bedroom and there were two big boxes on each side of the bed, he got me nighstands!!!
before we used a box on one side, and an old night stand on the other. I love them and him for being so wonderful. there is one of those on each side obviously. Jason and I are starting to buy new furniture slowly so that when we buy a house, we will actually have nice stuff to put in it. next is a dining room table set, a TV console and a dresser set. :-)

Jason finally cracked and told me where he is taking me for our anniversary! SAN DIEGO!! I am SOOOO excited. we went there on our honeymoon and I absolutely loved it! he booked a 4-star hotel and its so ritzy. I am so excited I can't wait. When we were there last time I wanted to go to the san diego temple, but the only day we could go was on a monday, so we just walked around, but this time we will do a session! YAY!

there really isn't much else to update ya on. Work is less stressful for Jason and more stressful for me, I guess there has to be a balance lol.

OH!! my coupon shopping!!! I learned how to do it. here are a few tips that I have found helpful.
1. you have to be willing to stock up. which is hard because in our apartment we dont have a ton of space, but so far it hasnt been an issue. 2. get the idea out of your mind that wal-mart is the cheapest, its not. well, sometimes it is, it just depends. 3. stop going to the store once a week to get the items you need for 7 dinners, even if they aren't on sale, thats bad. You will be going to the store about once a week doing couponing. 4. the way you do it, is you match sales with coupons. example. my Kashi go lean cereal is regularly 5$, if you bought ten, albertsons has each one for 2.49$, I had a 1.50 off coupon with makes it 1$, but albertsons also had a twice the value coupons in the paper for up to a dollar which means, it was FREE!! Had I not matched the sale with the coupon, I would have gotten the cereal for 3.50 with my coupon alone, compared to free. sweet huh? Jason and I order the sunday paper, just for the coupons and they have already paid for themselves for a year with how much we have saved. I have done it 3 times so far, once I got 90$ worth of food for 44$, 60$ worth of groceries for 12$ and 52$ worth of groceries for 10$ thats 196$ for 66$!!! I gotta tell, I am not complaining.

there ya go!!