I haven't posted in a while, because there hasn't been a whole lot to post!
I did get a new job. :-)
and after a week and a half here, I can for sure say that I like it.
I work for the State of Utah, in their legal department as a legal secretary, more specifically the unemployment division. It is quite interesting to read all the documents that I work with. I love the gals I work with, the judges I work under are way nice and I am pretty confident I will love it.
They have a fitness center, and I am required to take a 1 hour lunch even though it takes me 5 mins to eat lunch, so for the rest I go work out, which is great cause then I don't need to work out at night.
They do 4 days a week 10 hours a day, giving us friday off, YAY! this is a huge plus that I loooove. to me, going to work at 7 is the same as going at 8, and getting off at 5 is almost the same as getting off at 6, so its not really a big difference only I always get a 3 day weekend, and when monday is a holiday, I get a 4 day weekend! its lovely.
I have a parking pass for the garage so I will never have to scrape snow off my car or wait for the ice to defrost. lovely.
the ladies I work with are seriously pleasant. They are so nice, sweet, funny and are always very helpful and encouraging.
Wish me luck cause I really like it there!
lets see...I have done a few crafts that I haven't posted, cause I am lazy in the picture area.
I got some floating shelves for free on KSL, and I put my plates that I made on them, I will post a picture later I promise.
I made placemats for our table.
I got a new silverware holder for our kitchen, that I still need to paint and modge podge.
I fixed a purse.
I am going to make a key rack thing out of something I bought from the DI.
I am SSOOOO excited for Christmas, Thanksgiving and all other holidays associated with this time of year. Its such a happy time, even if the weather isn't the best. But I love being inside a nice warm cozy place while its freezing outside.
Jason is less then excited...lol.
our anniversary is this month :-) we are going to San Diego, going to the temple there, and doing other fun stuff.
I am also waaay excited for a photo shoot that I am going to be doing, its going to be so awesome! so stay tuned.
:-) happy blogging bloggers!