Wednesday, November 30, 2011

2nd pregnancy Q&A

Alrighty I will try and answer all the questions people keeping asking me about the pregnancy.

Was it planned?
sort of...a couple months ago we had a pregnancy scare and were totally freaking out. But after it sank in, we were really excited. When it turned out to be a false alarm, we decided we wanted to start trying. We didnt plan on having our kids this close, it took us 6 months to get pregnant with Henry so we were expecting it to take that long, but it only took one cycle.

When are you due?
July 23, 2012

How far along are you?
I am 7 weeks. Yes, I know, thats super early to announce a pregnancy. Originally when we decided to get pregnant we agreed we wouldnt announce it until the second trimester, but then when we got pregnant earlier than expected and thanksgiving was right around the corner, I couldnt pass up the chance to announce on thanksgiving, and it was awesome. Besides, if something does happen, I would want my friends and family to know to help me deal with it.

Are you hoping for a girl this time?
Nope. I want another boy. I want Henry to have a brother and to be honest, I think Henry is just so dang cute I wouldnt mind all boys. Seriously.

How are you feeling?
AWFUL. I forgot how miserable the first trimester was, and this time its a tiny bit worse. I am tired all the time, sick all the time, very picky about food, and this time I have had a headache for two weeks, and insomnia.

You're going to have two kids in diapers!
lol yes, we know this. We will probably also have 2 kids in cribs. but ya know, it just felt right. When we got a false alarm positive, it felt like(spiritual cheesiness comin on)that was the lord's wa of telling us its time to have another, but that he needed us to do it on our own to show that we trust in his timing. So thats what we did.

Is it hard being pregnant and having a baby?
surprisingly not as hard as I thought it would be. I almost think its easier than with an older child because Henry takes 2 long naps, so I get to nap also. I am sure it will be much harder once I start getting bigger.

So thats that. I wont post as much with this pregnancy as I did with the other, because I have Henry keeping me busy and I suspect I would just have the same things to say.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Christmas ornaments

Every year we get a christmas ornament for each of us that represent that year, so here they are!

Mine was a chocolate covered strawberry, because through the pregnancy it was my FAVORITE treat. :)

We got a little peanut for Henry, obviously.

Jason got a deer on a 4 wheeler, mainly just for the 4 wheeler part to represent camping since we bought a trailer this year.

Jason also decided that all the ornaments for the same year should be hung next to each other, so against the rule of clumping ornaments, that how we have decided to do the tree. :)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Henry's big announcement

Henry has an announcement to make.

Can you tell what it is?

How about now?

Ooooook, what about this?

Yep. Thats right.

Better believe it.
Baby Powell #2 is on its way.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

I can not live like this

Help a mommy out.

Henry has transitioned from 3 naps, down to 2.
Totally ok with it, because he goes to bed earlier.
bedtime used to be around 9 pm, now its 7ish.
He used to wake up around 7 to 8 am, now he wakes up at 6am, sometimes even 530 am!
I can not live like this, people.
How do you take away a nap which makes them tired earlier for bed, but get them to still wake up at their normal time in the morning?!
am I the only one who has/had this problem?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

remember the overhaul redo?

Remember how I am completely redoing my house?
Well its SLOOOOOOWLY coming along.
Come to our house and the front room will currently look like this:

The front door will look something like this:

And the dining room did manage to get a little thanksgiving decor here:

I am DYING to decorate for Christmas, but I need to finish painting first. Its actually almost done. I started a couple months ago, slowly doing the hallways, dining room, etc during Henry's naps, and today my BFF came over and helped me basically finish the entire front room. She's awesome I tell ya.

anyway, I guess stay tuned to see what else changes.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

the stillness


I recently started meditating. I just thought it was something that would help keep balance and harmony in my life and I have to tell you, I love it.
I may never go back to a non meditative life.
Its not about sitting down and going ,"ooooohhhmmmm....."
Its about awareness, but not engaging. Its about a finding the stillness in you. The stillness is where you find harmony and balance. The stillness is where you recharge, and relax. Its about the stillness in life. That is why people find so much clarity at church or in the temple, its the stillness, its the peace, where you can be alone inside you, not necessarily "with your thoughts" but more like among your thoughts.
If you haven't tried meditating, you should.
this is the site where I am learning to meditate and I recommend if you are just starting, to use a guide, like a mediation cd, something that guides you through the process. This site even has apps for iphones and droids, which is actually how I do it, and let me tell you, going to sleep at night has NEVER been so sound and so easy.
It doesn't take long, the app has a 5 min, 12 min and 24 min option.
Its soooo worth it.
Seriously, just give it a try.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Pinterest has brainwashed us

its a lovely thing isn't?

The other night I showed Jason this picture, found on Pinterest:

melted crayon art

I said Jason we have to do this! Its so cool!
He looked at it, looked at me, and said,"It just looks like melted crayons..."
Then I looked at it, and thought, IT DOES LOOK LIKE MELTED CRAYONS!

Here's the thing about Pinterest. Its fantastic for sharing ideas and getting inspiration, but its got us all warped on what we actually like.
Just because it is on Pinterest, doesn't mean its cool, pretty, trendy, etc.
So I am going to blow out of the water all the Pinterest brain washings.

The Keep Calm signs

keep calm
I never liked these, but seriously? Its a picture of large bold fonts with a really ugly crown. Its not pretty or appealing to the eye, and really? I don't even like the quote.

The scrabble letters

oversized Scrabble letters

Wow, I don't even understand who started this, but really, its soooo overdone and to me just looks like you missed some pieces when cleaning up a childs game.

Ugly girl clothes

scrap fabric tutus

This child looks like she is wearing rags. It looks awful.

The paint samples

crafts with paint samples

SO TACKY!!! I can't even begin to explain how tacky I think it is to decorate with these.

Ugly pillows
diy pillows
Why are people putting ruffles on pillows? you aren't going to rest your head on a pillow like this and frankly it just looks unfinished.

There you have it.
If you find yourself liking any of these pictures, ask yourself, are YOU Pinterest brainwashed?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I love that little giant.

There are times being a parent when you just look at your baby and in your head yell,"WHY?!"
Like tonight for instance.
We went to the grocery store about 7:30, on the way home around 8:30 he had fallen asleep.
We moved him from his carseat, to his crib, and he went to bed.
Till 9 pm. He woke up slightly, so we hurried and made a bottle, tried to feed him, but he wasnt having it, and he was awake.
This was a moment when in my head I would typically yell in my head,"WHY?!"
But not tonight. Tonight was different. Tonight as I cradled him in my arms and bounced him while walking trying to get him back to sleep, I looked down at him. He was looking back at me, and just staring. He had the sweetest smile on his face, he was as calm as can be, and for a few minutes in his quiet nursery we just stared and smiled at each other.
Its a moment I hope I never forget.
In that moment he wasn't just a baby, he was a fellow spirit here on earth with me, and I felt it.

My mother in law always says that babies cry because its hard for such strong giant spirits to be trapped in such a tiny body.
Tonight I realized this is true of Henry. He has such a strong giant spirit, and I am sooooo grateful to be able to be his mom.

I love that little man.
He is why I am here.
I know I was born to be his mom.
I born to love him.
I was born to teach him.
and he was born to teach me.
Gosh I love that little man.

(I am going to go sneak into his nursey now and peak at him.)