Monday, December 31, 2012

You still there?


It has been FOREVER!! a lot has happened that has gotten in the way of my personally blogging. Allow me to explain. 

1. My photography got SUPER busy in the fall. I had about 3-4 sessions A WEEK. It was pure madness and took its toll on me, my family and my momma(who graciously watched my kids every time). So it forced me to reevaluate my business plan and schedule. 2013 will be the year of a strict schedule with it. Before I was so excited to be booking so many sessions,  that I just couldn't say no to anyone. The problem is people didn't realize I was so busy, so they would contact me a week before they wanted a session, and it was creating madness. So for this next year I am only booking a max of 2 sessions during the week, and 1 on Saturday's unless I have a wedding that week, then its less. My business goal for this year is to break into weddings. I haven't tried until now, because doing someones Wedding photography, to me, is the most important part of their wedding and its not something I felt comfortable "experimenting" on. I wanted to know the total in's and out's of my equipment, style, and editing before I agreed to do a wedding. I did my first one a few weeks ago, and I have another one in a month and I am pretty excited. I think I did well and will do ever better each time. I am doing a Bridal Fair in April to see how people respond and hopefully book more. So A LOT is going on with Kati Ann Photography. 

2. My friends and I started a blog, The Undone Blog, its about what motherhood is really like and not what most mommy blogs make it seem. We posted pictures of our regular outfits, cute and ugly, and talked about the good and the bad. Unfortunately with everything going on with my photography, having 2 kids, a hubby and a house, I just couldn't spread myself thin enough to keep doing it. But YOU should still check it out and go follow them, they are wonderful ladies and the blog is really fun. 

3. THE BOYS! Oh the boys. They are so tiring and so much fun. Charlie has been such a fresh delightful addition to our family. Henry adores him and Charlie can't get enough of Henry. Its so funny how different they are, Charlie is the easiest baby, so sweet and chill. Henry is still so active, outgoing, full of life and personality. He certainly keeps me on the go all day. He is still a little slow to speech, but lately the only word he wants to say is "ca' for car. EVERYTHING is a car. lol. 

4. Jason and I went on a great, much needed, anniversary trip in October. We stayed at the Homestead resort in Midway and swam in the crater there. 

It was sooo cool. We said we are definitely planning to take the kids there in a couple years when they will think its fun and not scary. Its a warm spring, goes 60 ft deep and you can actually take a quick scuba course and scuba dive on your own! We didn't do that this time, but plan to next time. It was fun to just float around together though. 

5. Jason officially switched positions at work, and as far as I can tell is really enjoying it. He works at a new building downtown, and has an awesome window seat lol. He went to New York last month for a week, and got a lot accomplished in the way of networking with the others he works with. Henry missed him a lot, but was thrilled to have him back so it was kind of worth it. 

6. The house. oye ve. I swear I never know what I want to do with it. We have started repainting the house a neutral grey color, taking forever, and I like it, but with Pinterest now I just have so many plans for the house that I am afraid its gonna have to wait until we buy another house and I can just totally start over. I did finish the basement into Jason's man cave while he was in new york, and I do love that room. I think with Pinterest and seeing all the different styles and designs that I have kinda figured out what my own style finally is, and not just trying to do whats currently cool. 

Thats our updates! Now that the holidays are over, I have prioritized things differently, I will be blogging a lot more than I have lately. Its important to me to have this blog, so my kids one day can read it and see what their mom was like as an individual, and not just a mom. 


so stay tuned.

But tell me, who is still here and who is still blogging? Is it a lost art?

Saturday, December 15, 2012

To him

I know it is hard for you young mothers to believe that almost before you can turn around the children will be gone and you will be alone with your husband. You had better be sure you are developing the kind of love and friendship that will be delightful and enduring. Let the children learn from your attitude that he is important. Encourage him. Be kind. It is a rough world, and he, like everyone else, is fighting to survive. Be cheerful. Don't be a whiner." 
— Marjorie Pay Hinckley

I needed this today. 

Jason, I love you, and am grateful for you beyond words and actions.