Sunday, February 24, 2013

I won't be that mom

I sat here in bed thinking there was something I needed to do. Then it clicked. I felt an obligation to blog about the milestones my children are making. Document each little thing they do. Eloquently describe their every manor-ism down to the way they sneeze.

Then I realized, I don't want to.
I don't blog to document, I blog to express.

Sure. Some people use blogs as a journal, and that is fine and dandy. But when I am 80 years old looking back on my blog/journal, I am not going to care one bit about what age my babies learned to crawl. Where they slept at night. If the slept through the night. what size diapers they are in. If they liked their car seat or not. All of that means nothing. I want to remember the feelings. The emotions. I want to laugh the laughs, and smile the smiles all over again. I want to take their baby blankets to my nose, sniff a beautiful baby scent and remember their giggles because I was there and heard it, not because I wrote down a description of it.

I don't want to be that mom that is too busy trying to make things perfect, write every little "memory" down, preparing all sorts of new smart games to play, because to be honest, Henry likes it when I just get down on the ground and poke his belly button. He is simple like that.

I don't want to miss experiencing their childhood, because I am too busy documenting it. Just because you are present in your child life, doesn't mean you are involved.

Just know that my boys are the cutest boys I have ever seen, thriving in life, loving each other, and having a ball in this adventure we share. So even though its the "norm" to document the milestones of your children on your blog, I no longer will.

Because to be honest, I am too busy. I am too busy, being a mom. I am too busy being the mom that is soaking it up, instead of writing it down.