Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Andy's Birth, part 2ish

All of these images were done by the amazing birth photographer, Beka Price Photography. I highly reccomend her for all your birth photography, and newborn photography needs. :)

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Andy's Arrival

We arrived at the hospital at 9:30 am, and got nicely settled into the delivery room. Around 11am I believe is when the anesthesiologist came in to give me an epidural. I delivered at IMC, and I want to forewarn any moms that deliver there, if your anesthesiologist is Dr Green, run. Well, just wait for the on call.  Dr Green was who I had with Charlie, and luckily he was not on duty with Andy.

I have a very compressed spine from my first pregnancy, so epidurals are painful for me to get, but gosh so worth it! When the Dr came to break my water I was at a 2. When they checked me an hour later I was a 3. So it seemed as though it was going to be a slow process, so I hunkered down and took a long nap.

My parents came, brought Jason a sandwich that even through my slumber I could smell and hear them talking about. There I was, with my ice chips. :/

Now a back story of sorts, I was planning on having a birth photographer there. We rescheduled this induction twice, and it just so happened that on this day, there was going to be a 2 hour time period that she wouldn't be able to make, 2-4.

At 3pm, the nurse checked me and I was a 5. I thought oh perfect, my photographer will totally have time to make it!

At 3:20, his heart rate was dropping super low. I kept hearing it drop and asking my mom what was going on with him, (haha, hindsight, like she knew.) At 3:25 the nurse came in and said it sounded like I was about ready to have a baby. She checked me and I was a 9+. All I could do was laugh, that the photographer was just barely not going to make it. I text her and told her I was at a 9, but she was at a shoot and I totally understood and even though I would have loved to have her there for the delivery, I am a photog, I get it.

So. within minutes they had the dr paged, they set up the room, and at 3:45 it was time to push. I pushed 3 times and he was out.

When Henry was born, my first, I cried like a little girl, but with Charlie and Andy, all I can do is smile and be so grateful for healthy babies and safe arrivals.

Side note, my photographer came at about 4:30, and was able to take some amazing pictures after the birth and of his first bath. I will post those when they come. :)