Thursday, February 26, 2009

new project!!

Hello blogger friends!!! I am going to do a new project and I need advice of sorts. I need to take in my pants, I need to take them in about 2 sizes. I am not even going to attempt my jeans cause thats just dumb. Just my slacks. this will happen within a week or two depending on my bestest friend who is going to help me. :-) When this happens, I am wondering the best way to go about it. should I take them in at the sides, or the sides and in the inseam. I am worried that if I just do the outside seam, that it will make the crotch wider. ya know? any tips would be helpful.

My husband is so stinking cute I love it! he makes me scrambled eggs after my work outs, gives me back rubs lots now! he does the dishes for me and is just so dang cute. He and I are the biggest dorks when we are alone together and its pretty entertaining. I never get bored of just being home with him doing nothing. He supports me in everything I do and he is just so cute! He cuddles at night with me til I fall asleep even though he cant fall asleep while cuddling and then in the morning when he wakes up, he cuddles with me again for like 5 mins. He loves to cuddle, just not while sleeping. lol.

This week should be interesting and involve a lot less travel. My sister SHOULD be transferring to the UofU hospital today to finish out the remainder of her hospital treatment and physical therapy. she has been in the hospital now for 24 days. she is doing a lot better as far as pain and progress, but she just gets so bored! Imagine that have been in bed for 24 days. cant get up AT ALL, not even to go to the bathroom. she told me the other day she would give anything to just wear a bra and sweat pants. I love her and she is doing so well!

This fall we are going to Texas with my husbands mission companion and his wife! YAY! we are so excited. Jason has wanted to go back and visit basically ever since he left. I think we are spending 4-5 days there sometime in september. I am excited to finally put a face to all the people he talks about and get to see where he served his mission! I am also very excited to go on a road trip with the Chappells and get to know them better! It should be way fun!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Park city and provo on saturday!

This was a slightly busy but fun weekend. We started out on saturday by driving up to park city to get a battery for a watch we bought up there. we went to several stores, jason got stuff at bath and body works and I got stuff at the nike store. lol thats not normally how it goes but I thought it was funny. It was such a nice day outside!!! oh my goodness it was so so so nice, I drove with the window down! see picture. lol. after that we drove up to Heber and through provo caynon, where my sister got in her accident, and we went to go see her. I love going to see her cause she is doing so well in her progress. her hopefully last surgery is today at 4 I think. thanks to everyone for your prayers. anyway we came home saturday, watched the Jazz game of course and then went to bed. do we all agree that the best feeling in the world is going to bed knowing that you can wake up whenever you want? oh it is the best thing ever!! we lazily woke up sunday. after church we invited our good friends Jordan and James over and their cute little baby! we had a big deep fried chicken dinner with beans and cheesecake. then we played rock band! it was my first time playing and I have to admit it was fun. This is Jason holding their baby, lol funny!!! he doesnt like to hold babies because he thinks if I see him doing well with a baby then I will want one. lol so he tries to hold it back but i know he likes babies. so pretty much it was a fun weekend!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

weight loss

I decided to make a blog for my weight loss discussions and updates so I don't bore you on this blog. lol click the link to the right to go to my blog. :-)

Shilo and Micah Edwards

So yesterday we went to a Funeral of Jason's cousins. They were both killed in a car accident the friday after my sisters accident. They were very very beautiful girls and their funeral was very emotional for all who attended. It was devestating for their mom to go from one casket to the next and it was very heart breaking to watch. I just wanted to reach out and hug her but I don't know her very well. there were so many people there to show their love and support, it filled up the entire church gym plus some. Although their family is mourning their loss, they were in good spirits, they were making jokes and remembering the good times they had with the girls. everyone who spoke said these girls were near perfect and it makes sense to me. It may be weird but it is so wonderful to me to think that they are teaching others the gospel right now. They are continuing the work from the other side and I know they are doing it well. Shilo( brown hair) was going to be proposed to the night after she died. I feel for her Fiance and hope he will be well. It was a very touching funeral service, balloons were released at their gravesight and I think it was perfect. i pray that the familys hearts may heal.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


VALENTINES DAY!!!! Oh it was so good. we knew we were going to be in provo for the night on V-day so our V-day was in the morning. Jason woke me up with breakfast in bed! so cute.  He made yummy scrambled eggs and bacon. He brought me a dozen roses and a new digital camera!! YAY! It was a wonderful morning. After being lazy and getting ready we went to the mall just for fun and guess what?...

I am down ANOTHER dress size!! woot woot. thats 2 pant sizes and I am also down from an extra large in shirts, to a Medium and in some stores a Small. yay for me. So it was a pretty good trip to the mall. I still have a few more pant sizes to go but it will happen. :-) My pilates are still going great and I am learning yoga. woot woot.

My sister is doing much better, at least I think. the problem is she is such a strong person and she just powers through tough situations that you cant tell if she really IS doing better, or if she is just toughing it out. but either way, she is doing physical therapy(still in the hospital) and she took 6 steps today! that is very exciting and a good thing, she cant sit up without her back brace on and it really hurts her. They are doing good on giving her good meds I just hope its not a problem for her to stop using them when the time comes. But she is back to normal as far as communicating and being independant with eating and things like that. I love her!

Oh and P.S. I still get baby hungry :-(

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

UPDATE: This is a picture of the truck Hollie was driving. As you can see its pretty smashed up. If you look at the floor of the truck where the pedals should be, the whole car came up into the floor right to hollies legs. Hollie's leg was smooshed up through the steering wheel and when she looked at her foot, she was looking at the bottom of it. Hollie is such a strong person I have no idea how she handles it. I love her to death and would seriously do anything for her.

And THANKS Ben and Ashley for the flowers!! we have awesome friends. :-)

Monday, February 9, 2009

things have a way of being terrible.

Ok, first let me start by saying this is a very hard topic for me to discuss. Even typing about it makes me burst into tears. My little sister Hollie was in a near head on collision. a car hydro plained into her lane in provo canyon, the car was coming at her head on, Hollies instincts were to turn the car so her passanger didnt recieve any impact. In my opinion hollie's split second decision saved all 4 persons involved. she avoided it being completely head on, and the car hit the front corner of her truck. Hollie was rushed to the hospital in critical conditon and remains there. Her arm is broken in 2 spots, her leg is broken in 2 spots, her ankle is completely shattered, they removed a rib, and the worst, she broke her back. she has had 4 surgeries since friday and is in for 3 more. she is the strongest person I know and is handling as well as she can. She is in so much pain every single minute of her life. Its hard for me to talk about, I feel so helpless and I want to be there with her all the time. Every free moment I have I am thinking about her. I miss her, I love her, I want her to heal. PLEASE PRAY FOR HER.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

So the last couple days I have been feeling blah. I don't feel like doing anything and I just wanna go home and go to bed. Its possible that its caused by the terrible food I have been eating the last few days. It makes my stomach feel heavy and me feel fat. grrr. I made an exercise calender the other day!!! I realized that exercising is so overwhelming to me when I think I have to do it all everyday in case I dont do it the next day. So I printed out a schedule on a calender so I know what I should do and when I get to rest. I want some new recipes. I am bored of the stuff Jason and I cook, not that its not good, but I want new stuff. It HAS to be easy, and healthy. any ideas? Give me as many as you can think of!!! I need your help!!! Tell me what your favorite home cooked meals aren't that are a big pile of butter and salt, as much as I love those. :-) Also I need some good recipes for my slow cooker. We havent used it yet cause I dont know any recipes!! HELP!!! i know you have some good ones.