Thursday, February 26, 2009

new project!!

Hello blogger friends!!! I am going to do a new project and I need advice of sorts. I need to take in my pants, I need to take them in about 2 sizes. I am not even going to attempt my jeans cause thats just dumb. Just my slacks. this will happen within a week or two depending on my bestest friend who is going to help me. :-) When this happens, I am wondering the best way to go about it. should I take them in at the sides, or the sides and in the inseam. I am worried that if I just do the outside seam, that it will make the crotch wider. ya know? any tips would be helpful.

My husband is so stinking cute I love it! he makes me scrambled eggs after my work outs, gives me back rubs lots now! he does the dishes for me and is just so dang cute. He and I are the biggest dorks when we are alone together and its pretty entertaining. I never get bored of just being home with him doing nothing. He supports me in everything I do and he is just so cute! He cuddles at night with me til I fall asleep even though he cant fall asleep while cuddling and then in the morning when he wakes up, he cuddles with me again for like 5 mins. He loves to cuddle, just not while sleeping. lol.

This week should be interesting and involve a lot less travel. My sister SHOULD be transferring to the UofU hospital today to finish out the remainder of her hospital treatment and physical therapy. she has been in the hospital now for 24 days. she is doing a lot better as far as pain and progress, but she just gets so bored! Imagine that have been in bed for 24 days. cant get up AT ALL, not even to go to the bathroom. she told me the other day she would give anything to just wear a bra and sweat pants. I love her and she is doing so well!

This fall we are going to Texas with my husbands mission companion and his wife! YAY! we are so excited. Jason has wanted to go back and visit basically ever since he left. I think we are spending 4-5 days there sometime in september. I am excited to finally put a face to all the people he talks about and get to see where he served his mission! I am also very excited to go on a road trip with the Chappells and get to know them better! It should be way fun!!!


bequi said...

I asked my mom and she said bring in the side and if the crotch is weird she told me how to fix it. So we should be good.

I told Anthony about your sister and he called her noble. I think that's a very good word to describe her.

Love you!!

Angela said...

Yay for y'all coming to Texas!!! You HAVE to let me know when, because yea, Jason is like one of my best guy friends and I have to see y'all. OKAY?!?! :-)

Jenny said...

I just had to leave a quick comment and thank you for your sweet comments on my blog. I love my readers, and you always make me smile! Hope you're enjoying Gottman's book!