Thursday, May 21, 2009

Life with the powells is good and busy! Jason and I have been running around like chickens for a while and I need a chance to breathe! we spent the weekend in Cedar city which was awesome! Our good friends Ben and Ashley live there and we spent the weekend doing fun random things. I got to see my great friend Whitney! who I have not seen since high school! We gathered at Maggie Moos ice cream, I had a delicious smoothie. Interesting fact, Whitney and I went to high school together in at Layton High and graduated 2005. We then BOTH married guys who both graduated from Murray High in the same year! weird I know. So it was fun to see them, they are moving up here so hopefully we will see more of them! Later that night Benash(Ben and Ashley) and us went star gazing and it was nice to be able to actually see the stars. The next day was a day I will NEVER forget. We ventured out to Zions Caynon where I did my very very firstest hike ever. monumential moment in my life to say the least. We did Angels Landing which is a 5 mile hike. It was an accomplishment for me to say the least. If you know me, you know that I am not much of a nature person, but if you know my husband you know that he is a nature person, so it makes for intersting outings. He did the hike thinking how beautiful and lovely the scenery was, while I was looking at the hike as a physical exercise type activity. I couldn't care less about nature. lol. The mountain in the background is as tall as the one I climb. :-)
As for the rest of our life, we returned to SLC, to work and the various other activities that occupy our time and thoughts. It was Jasons birthday this week, he turned 24! I got him a few shirts and some rather expensive shoes, which he will return and get the ones he really wanted lol. We went out to dinner with his parents and Justin and Brittnie that night to Texas Roadhouse, which I still think is overrated. Also on his birthday we made a new addition to our little family! we bought a 2007 Honda Accord for me and I love it!!! Her name is Lola. the picture isnt our exact car, but it is EXACTLY what it looks like. We got an Incredible deal on this car because the owners are adopting their 3rd kid and needed to sell it fast. we paid for this 2007 what people are paying at dealerships for 2003 Civics. It was sort of an impulse buy, but we were planning on buying a new car for me anyway. I love it! We are having it detailed on saturday while Jason and I clean our apartment cause....WE'RE MOVING!! We got out of our lease and are moving to a much nicer apartment complex which we also got a good deal on. the apartment we are normally in rents for 910$ and we are paying 710$. It is in the heart of sugarhouse which is 5 miles to both of our works. Because we are moving closer to work we are saving 45$ on our insurance! YAY! I am not excited about the actual moving part, but I am excited to be out of this complex and into a MUCH nicer one.
So thats our little update. hope everyone is having a great spring/summer so far! YAY for warm weather!


bequi said...

I see you went with my advice... Right? Yeah for saving money!!

Whit said...

I love the updates and i loved seeing you for a little bit last weekend. Hope to see you more when we move up there. Cute car and good luck on the move.

Andrew & Angel Bitter said...

Looks like you had a ton of fun!! Hiking is all out the site seeing on top of the exercise, but that is great that you made it fun by seeing it your way. That's the way to accomplish the task. Your car is cute!!