Friday, October 16, 2009

Blissful love

1 year ago(on the 18th) Jason and I were sealed in the salt lake temple.

it was phenomenal.

and life, still is phenomenal.

Things I love about my husband

he walks me to the gym every time, and then comes to the gym to walk me back.
he has become such a dork and only I get to see that side.
he lets me go crazy with my crafts even if he doesnt like them.
he is so proud of his grilling skills. lol
he knows what I am thinking when I make fun of people in my head.
he knows that when I get a crazy idea, I will be over it in 5 mins, so he just rides it out.
he dresses nice, but not gay.
when he gets really excited about something, he gets really involved and its cute.
he learned to love almost all my shows.
he always admits when he is wrong, even he if isn't.
he is the first to say I am sorry, even when its me who should be sorry.
he texts me farm animal noises through out the day, just to say hi, but in an animal language.
he grabs my butt ALL the time. seriously. still.
he loves my family.
he motivates me to do everything better.
he dotes over me when I am sick and watches my every move.
he makes sure my car is washed and clean.
he always gets the mail.
he has been my biggest support in my weight loss goals.
he makes sure I see my friends often enough.
he tells me he loves me whenever there is a silence.
he loves sports, and he gets way crazy when there is a game on.
he is the most patient person I know, and you all know how impatient I am!
I simply adore everything about him.

I can not believe it has already been a year.

It has been such a dazzling, elated and adorable year. One I will never forget.

We are breaking away from the restlessness of daily life and encircling ourselves in the arms and eternal love of each other.
(despite my ridiculous fear of planes)

I bid you farewell, for a short while.

1 comment:

It's said...

Happy Anniversary! So fun!