Saturday, April 24, 2010

new stuff and pretty colors.

Oh times are fun.

First, here is our new best friend.

Oh how I already love this little guy. At first I didn't understand the big hype about a front loading washer, but now, I love it. It is sooo easy to use, and makes laundry so much nicer. It seriously is just a touch of a button and its all custom set. Also, it gets the clothes soo dry with the spinning, that they seriously only need like 15 mins in the dryer and they are done. I love it.

Here is another thing to add to my project list, though.

The floor.

The floor is the laundry room is unfinished, and I don't approve. It will be a simple fairly inexpensive fix to finish it, its just taking the time, and moving the appliances out etc. So one day soon, it will be finished with hardwood.

Can I just say that I loooove spring with all my heart?

Look at how pretty our front trees are.
and my tulips have already bloomed!
Align Center
I love the warm weather, the bright colors, oh I love everything about spring, especially that it brings Summer!

May will be fun. I am attending a few photography workshops which should be really helpful and fun. I will let you know how it goes I am sure.

I am hoping with the warmer weather, I will run outside more, although its sort of hard because its not really that fabulous of a scenery in my neighborhood. In sugarhouse I had sugarhouse park which was so awesome for elevation and scenery, so I may have to drive to the legacy parkway trail and run there. We will see. I got new running shoes to motivate me. :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

flowers and laundry.

I had big plans for planting flowers in the front of my house.

Big plans.

Until I discovered, that there are already flowers there.
Of course there are. why wouldn't I think there would be?
silly me.
So I still plan on planting MY flowers, since I bought the seeds and all, but now I have to figure out a work around for the pre-existing flowers.

They are pretty, I just want more colors and variety.

Here we have my red tulips.

ok I lied, I don't think these little purple ones are pretty at all.
And these yellow ones.
oddly enough they are red and yellow, so they match my living room. baha.

So thats that.

We bought a new washer, yeah for that. I am sure it will be loads more exciting when it comes.
loads. haha.

This weekend is going to be epic. just so you know. :)

Sunday, April 11, 2010


If you will remember from here, our plan is to build a window seat in our front room bayish window.

I have the plans for it, and with the help of my dad and his tools, I feel its quite possible.

There are a few reasons Jason and I bought this house, one of which is that it is less then 10 years old and does not need to be re-modeled.

But that doesn't mean I can't do it anyway, right?

Well my next set of plans for the front room, is to build a mudroom.

Like this one.

For this space.

As you can see, the first thing I do when I get home, is take off my shoes. Usually in the same spot, sometimes about 5 feet over near the kitchen, but regardless, it looks bad. About every other week I will collect all my shoes and move them back to the closet cause it looks so bad.

Now there isn't a ton of room right there for a big mudroom, but there is enough for a little one.

It will be equipped with a seating bench, shoe shelves, coat hooks and storage above for seasonal things, such as hats scarves and gloves.

I don't know how long Jason and I intend to live in this house, but I do think that these projects we will do, will increase the value of the home, or at least increase the interest people have in it when we do try and sell it.

After all, who would't love a mudroom and a window seat?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I made it!

I have started like 3 different posts in an effort to update my blog, and have failed at them all.
I am in a blogging slump. :)
I don't feel like I have much to blog about, but I always get super annoyed when people don't update their blogs. Cause I like to read them. :)
So here is my last attempt.

Jason and I ventured off to the Bountiful Temple today and it was lovely. It was much needed. Although I did get my temple stuff stolen, temporarily. I put it down in the bathroom on the shelf they provide and when I went to get it, it was gone! Someone took it thinking it was theirs, and then after my session got out, the temple workers had found it for me. :)

We also bought seeds to do some gardening. Today we just got flower seeds, but I think thats the prettiest part. We will see how it goes, they need to get planted like right now in order to bloom in time.

I still love my house. It has been almost 2 months and Jason and I have not had one bit of buyers remorse. If there is something we don't like about the house, we change it. Cause we can!

We eat out, a lot. lol its getting ridiculous. We just don't feel like cooking, or one of us is craving something. Its been fun, but it means I need to go to the gym a lot more then I currently do. sigh.

OH! I started my food storage! Food storage in and of itself is not exciting, at all. In fact its kind of annoying spending 20$ on a canister of dried food you have no intentions of consuming anytime soon, but its a really comforting feeling know that you are doing what the prophet has instructed us all to do. I don't have to sit through meetings or conference feeling guilty anytime they talk about food storage. We started out small, of course. There are 2 kinds of food storage. The first kind is the canister dried food that last 15 years kind. But the second is just having a year supply of basic foods that you eat all the time, and rotating them out. Like boxes of hamburger helper. :) I love the stuff, so every time I am at the store, I buy 4 packs, whether I need them or not. So gradually my food storage is getting bigger. Canned foods are good to do that with, banana chips, mmmm those are good and last 2 years.

wow, what I dork I am.

Well, nothing else new here.
Our brother and sister-in-law are adopting their first baby and we are super excited for them! Its a boy, I am sure pictures of him will come when he is born, sometime in May.

Happy Spring everyone!