Sunday, May 30, 2010

Trading Spaces?

Remember that show Trading Spaces?
It was all the rage in home decor do it yourself.
In fact I am convinced that show is alone responsible for the DIY world that we are in today.
and I love it.


I have decorated most of my house, to my liking. My husband lives here, yes, but do I trust his "eye" for decor or design? No. But do I want him to be happy here and feel like its his home too? Yes.

:) So.

That brings me to MY memorial day weekend.
For those of you who don't know my husband, he works in finance, with wall street, numbers all day.
He can't justify in his mind spending money on home decor.
that, and he is a guy.
I however, justify it up the wazoo. So this task needed to be done without him watching the register as I check out.
so it had to be done, in secret. :) Oh how I love secret surprises.

My style is somewhat vintage, mixed with retro combined with modern contemporary. None of which is Jason's style. Jason is a classic, drastic contrast type of person. He likes clean bright white, with a bold contrasting color and classic decor. Nothing outside the box, nothing new etc.

Well, our bedroom has never been decorated really. before we lived in an apartment where we couldn't paint, nor did I have much room to spread out and paint our stuff if I wanted etc. So there were many reasons our room didn't get done, but it just didn't, and it was time.

So I decided, being the good wife I am, to design the bedroom totally based on Jason's taste, and a room that would be perfect for him to feel comfortable, and like it is his.

I know, I know, I am a good wife. :D
(actually it probably says more to the fact that I am a mean wife that the rest of the house is decorated with my taste and not his, but whatever.)

Unfortunately, I forgot to take a before picture, and that is so unlike me. But for your recap, our room was painted gold, brown, blue, green and orange bed spead, retro circle art stuff on the wall with forest green curtains. none if it made sense. Here is the AFTER:


I think I did pretty well.
and would you like to know how much this cost me?


Trading Spaces was nuts to think you need to spend 1000$ on each room.

Here is how it all started. Saturday I went in search of a bed set, because that is the center of all bedrooms. I went to TJ Maxx and within 5 minutes found it. I knew I wanted Navy blue, and white, I still am amazed at how perfect this set it for what I wanted.
It came with the comforter, pillow cases, and 3 pillows.
Bed Set 85.67$

Don't cheap out on the bed set, it really is the most important part, to me at least.
From there I could choose the paint.
off to lowes I went, matched the color and picked up a bright white.
1 gallon of each, 3 cans of spray paint 2 brushes and 2 roller pads.
Supplies 57.42$

I went next door to Shopko, because I got a coupon in the mail for 15$ off 75$. sweet! There I went to the clearance section, obviously. I found the two lamp bases, which were originally black for 11.99$ a piece, and the shades which were originally red, for 3.49$ a piece. I came across the navy blue placemats on clearance for 1.49$ a piece, grabbed 2. The floating shelves were on sale, for 19.99$. I also originally got sheets here for 14.99 but found some I like more at Ross.
Shopko 62.35$

Ross, I got sheets for 14.79$

Then I went across the street to the Dollar store. Yes, the dollar store. I needed frames, and if you are going to redo some frames, do not go to michaels and spend 5-10$ on each frame thinking its the best deal. I got each frame for obviously 1$ a piece, and they worked perfectly. I also got a glass vase.
Dollar store 7.38$

Then to Michaels(btw in woods cross all of these stores are in the same complex besides lowes. love it). At Michael's I got the mats for the frames, 1.79$ a piece times 3, and the leaves for the pictures, those were pricey at 3.99$.
Michaels 10.65$

I did all this in about an hour.

the work began on Sunday, I know I suck for doing it on Sunday but for me its enjoyment, like going on a family bike ride. :) thats ok right?

Anyway, I told Jason I was working on a surprise and certain places were off limits.
First I started on the leaf pictures. I painted the leaves the burnt orange, they were originally lime green glitter, they were scrapbooking things. Then I painted the frames with tan craft paint, heres why. Because they were from the dollar store, they were plastic, and spray painted doesnt adhere well to plastic, so you prime with paint THEN you can spray paint for a nice even coat.
Then I went outside to begin the real work. I started on the lamps. They were originally black, I spray painted them crome/silver, it went on so perfectly, no issues there. Then I moved to the shades, which were red. I spray painted them with a base coat of navy blue, again went on nice no issues there. Then I started on the floating shelves, there we had some problems. I spray painted them white, but for some strange reason, still unknown, the white spray paint, dried pink. don't ask why, I have no clue, the paint worked everywhere else. So I went to my alternative option and got out the gallon of white paint for the walls, and used that instead. It took a few coats to get in on even and pretty, but it worked out. the shelves got a coat of laquer to prevent paint chips and such. I also spray painted the stars, from our old blue and brown decor, white. Later, I wish I could find the site where I saw this idea, but I can't, anyway the base color of the shade is now blue, I wrapped string around the shade in no particular order, and then spray painted white. Then removed the string. Cool right? I think so. The star mats, I had some old canvas's I wasn't using, and I wanted the mats to stick out of the wall and look like they were floating, so I hot glued the mats to the canvas, then hot glued the spray painted stars on the mats. simple.

The put together. Monday, Jason went golfing with his brother, FREAKING EARLY! So I had to wake up at the same time, and get started. freaking 6 am on my day off. The things I do for my husband. So I woke up, got everything out of the bedroom, covered it all in plastic, taped off the trim and got to work. obviously painted one wall white, and the rest blue. Then when the blue dried I painted the white stripes on the bed wall, to take the place of a headboard. waited for it all to dry and then re-assembled the room.
It took quite a bit of time and work, I painted non stop for about 8 hours on Monday. I would totally do it again, because the look on my hubbys face when I took off the blindfold(duh, of course I blindfolded him) was priceless.
I loooove my new down comforter. It is so plush and comfy I just can't stand to sit anywhere else in the house.
so to keep up, I have finished the front room, living room, hallway bathroom, dining room, and some of the kitchen.
left I have, to finish the kitchen(i.e. stain cabinets and new countertops), laundry room, master bathroom and the office.
Making progress! One day soon, my house will be perfect, to me. :D

He loved it. :) or so he tells me anyway.
and I love it.

I love it when that happens. :)

Monday, May 17, 2010


This is what my nights consist of when I am sick.

its almost rather perfect, just missing my hubby.

I have a sick guilty pleasure to admit.

I secretly love being sick. I love feeling like my body is broken, because it makes the morning I wake up healthy, so much better. But also, I love being tired and weak, because it makes sleep sooo much better. So, sickly, I love having this sore throat that I curl up in a ball with my apple cider and husband with. I also love being sick because my husband is so good at pampering me and being at my every whim. its so freaking adorable and sweet. So in short, I love being sick. Sick, right?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

bring on summer.

Our Saturday was spent making this...

Fun right?

We put a lot in there, its pretty much full to the max.
We have another grow box we could set up, but the soil alone was like 50$. which is fine, because you keep using it. and if we did a garden, we were going to do it right, and not some half attempt.

We will see how it goes, so far so good.

I do however want to add in our backyard, fruit trees. They weren't very expensive and I would just looove a peach tree.

oh I love summer!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

la tee da tee do

I have been told I need to update my blog.

so here I am. :)

This week was more crazy than normal, but not too much. I had one of my young women stay the night with me. She moved to Texas and came back for a visit. Oh how I already miss her. She is too funny, let me tell you.

Then on Thursday I went a photography workshop on taking scenic landscape pictures, which is my favorite. My main goal was to learn how to take awesome sunset/sunlight pictures. I learned a lot, but had to leave early to go on our trip. :( So not as much as I would have liked to learn.

Here is my homework from the workshop.

I think this one actually is my favorite.

The instructor talked about it, but I obviously missed it, so I need to re-learn how to get the sun colors, AND the foreground exposed right.
but the foreground really wasn't all that pretty anyway.

Then we left on our weekend getaway trip with my parents to idaho!

This is my parents pointing at the crazy people we watched jump off a bridge. nutso people.
And this is the reason we went. There is this pretty little awesome canyon in Twin Falls, where a golf course sits right in the middle. So we went to play it.

I did pretty OK on my golf game for not even hitting a bucket of balls yet this year. :)

That is us as of late.

I have another photography workshop I am going to this weekend with Glam Photography so hopefully there I will learn more to fine tune my camera skills. and they provide lunch. lol so at least I get that.

Nothing much else going on with us. We are pretty boring. I am working on a re-finishing project for something in our downstairs living room, I will post the before and after pictures when that is finished, hopefully tonight actually. but who knows.

Happy week everyone!