Monday, July 26, 2010

Goals/pregnancy story/plans/pictures! wowza

So, I have some goals that I am going to try and achieve whilst being with child.
Feel free to send my supportive encouraging comments through out the duration of my lovely 9 months.

1. To not gain more than 25 lbs. during my pregnancy. That is the middle acceptable amount of weight for a woman to gain during pregnancy. I am hoping because I am so tall, I won't gain that much anyway.

2. To continue working out at least 3 times a week, for as long as I can, preferably up until 8 months. Not necessarily vigorous working out like normal, but light cardio, pilates and yoga etc.

3. Not drink any caffeine. This is fairly easy, but something I want to write down as a goal to make sure I hold myself accountable.

4. Tough one, to not drink carbonation. The more you expose you child to something in the womb, the more they want it as a human. So, no soda! I went almost a year without soda and then when I lost all my weight I started drinking it lightly again. But alas, the road as come to an end.

5. To have the nursery completely done within 1 month of finding out the sex. Cause I am THAT excited about it. :)

6. To not raise my voice or harbor negative feelings while my fetus is occupying my insides. They can hear it, and it affects them. I don't yell a lot anything, but I have been known to get emotional. :)

7. to not eat any fast food, and minimal eating out. I hate most fast food. the only thing I can really stomach is an Arbys regular plain roast beef sandwich. but honestly, I don't need the calories, and there is little to no nutrition for the baby in it. Jason LOVES to eat out, often, but I just can't handle feeding my fetus that much junk. I am sure I will start being a regular of the salad menu.

8. To not complain, about anything. Obviously pregnancy is hard, but its a lot harder the more you keep telling yourself and everyone else how miserable you are. You gotta fake it til you make it. I won't lie to anyone if they ask me about specifics, but I am not going to just start complaining about how tired I am, or how sick I have been, or how fat my feet are. its not needed.

9. To regularly document the pregnancy, at least weekly, preferably daily. I want to remember every little thing. Pictures every month. :D

10. To not buy any maternity clothes, except for pants. I have sooo many shirts that can be maternity clothes, because I used to be fat, and because a lot of styles not are big baggy type shirts. plus I think most maternity clothes are ugly, no matter how hard the makers try.

11. to not take any medications while pregnant, and heres the kicker, during labor. Yes I know, I am sure 90% of you think thats crazy, but I think its natural and what my body is made for. my ancestors did without and epidural, surely I can. I understand there might be complications or an emergency and obviously will do the best thing for the baby, but those aside, no medication.

I am excited for this pregnancy.
here are some details for you. and for my documenting goal. ;-)

How we found out.
Jason and I had been trying to get pregnant since a little after we bought the house. That was our goal, to buy a house then have kids. so we tried the first month, didnt get prego, the second month came and went and the third month I started getting frustrated, I mean, 14 girls get pregnant faster than this. talked to a few friends who all said it usually takes a few months. sigh. so at 5 months I went 42 without a period. Took a test and it was positive! Finally. :) now to spread the word. I know Jason should have been the first to find out, but I needed a good idea on how to tell him! So I called 2 of my BFF's and told them. Jason was at work. I raced around town trying to find a baby Jazz jersey. Stupid Jazz, since they are in the midst of changing their uniforms, there weren't any. So I settled for a Baby Jazz T-shirt. Wrapped it up, and taped the pregnancy test to to the tag. I got baby decorated plates, hats and other celebration party items. Made dinner, and when he came through the door I gave him the gift, he opened it, looked at me and in a soft excited/nervous voice said,"You're pregnant." we hugged, ate, then prepared to tell our parents. Yes, I am that impatient.

I quickly threw together some of our old childhood pictures of us with our parents and a little message at the end. :)

We raced to his parents house, played the video, chatted for 20 minutes, then raced to my parents house to play the video for them. His parents have 4 grandkids already, so it wasnt nearly as exciting as telling my parents. Its their first, and boy were they excited. They couldn't get it to soak in that they were going to be grandparents. Old farts.

I am very excited to be pregnant right now because these good friends of ours are also pregnant. Jason and Ben served a mission together, and Ben has the cutest wife that is going to be a great matching pregnancy friend. I figure she is about 2 months ahead of me, so I will get a nice snapshot of things to come for me.

One thing is a bummer though. My little sister Hollie from this post will be going on a mission and will most likely be gone by the time the baby comes. Its the first baby in the family, so it won't be the same without her there, but boy am I proud of her for serving the lord like I wish I would have.

I am the first grandchild on my moms side to have a baby, but the third on my dads side. I went to a family party a couple weeks ago where my 2 cousins were who have had babies and it was so nice to here their advice and have them offer help, hand me downs, advice, etc. I love it. Odekirk's Rule.

We have the girl name picked out. Piper Ann. I am pretty firm about it so I highly doubt it will be changing. We aren't set on any boy names although we have tossed a few around, Dallas, Austin and Houston. Find a similarity? ;) Jason served his mission in Texas.

What gender are we hoping for?
Well, I hate to jinx things, but technically speaking the gender is already decided, right?
I want a girl. Jason wants a boy, but thinks it's a girl.
Obviously we will be thrilled with either, or both! ;)

Due Date?
Well, there isnt an official due date based off an ultrasound yet, but the doctor who did the blood test said the due date is around April 7, 2011. I am hoping its sooner than that, because that seems awful far away, but for now, thats what it is.

so I feel like this post is way too long, therefore I must end it.

I will leave you with the first of 9 pregnancy pictures. July 2010. :)


Angela said...

I am SO excited for y'all!! And as for wanting to go all natural, through everything, I think that's great!! One of my good friends went completely natural with her second child (actually, unplanned), and had no problems. She did a lot of working out in the beginning, and walked all through the final months. It will be fun to see your journey!

Jenny said...

I have to admit, I love reading all the details women post about their pregnancies. That post didn't seem long to me at all because I loved all the info ha ha!

I really admire your pregnancy goals. I think they're so great. I also have a desire to have an all-natural birth, but it scares me to death! (mostly because I don't know many people who have done it). I am also in agreement when it comes to what you put in your body. I always tell Danny that I don't understand when people eat lots of junk when they're pregnant, especially knowing they're responsible for a growing life. Sorry for the novel. Loved the post!

It's said...

Careful with the yoga and pilates. As you get farther along you can't do certain things like twisting your stomach. I'm so excited for you! Both sexes are good as long as they're not at the same time ha ha

Laci said...

YAY! I have to agree with Angela.. I loved reading all the deets.
So wait a minute though.. April 7th is too far away isnt it??? Didn't you find out the beginning of July? Did the doctor push back your due date? LAME! Maybe that way you will just come early though LOL.

Anyway, Congrats again! So excited for you and excited to hear all about everything!

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

Congrats on the baby! So your hubby served with Ben Chappell? Did he serve in McKinney? We love (Elder)Chappel and had so much fun with him. I seem to remember an Elder Powell I am curious but his face doesn't look familiar. Anyway congrats to both of you!

Heather said...

Congratulations! Sounds like it will be an exciting 9 months (and beyond)! So happy for you guys!

bequi said...

Your goal was to not complain and then you talked about how tired you were just a little while later! Hahaha!

You're being very strict with yourself. There's definitely hope with the pregnancy weight thing. I only gained 15 pounds with Sarah. The crappy part for me was the post-pregnancy weight gain. I don't know if anyone else gets this, but I had Sarah, was back to pre-pregnancy weight in about 3 weeks, old pants and all that, and then after 3 months I ballooned 20-25 pounds. Sad.