Tuesday, July 13, 2010

more decor.

I decided to do some more home decor today. and to finish a project that is long over due.

like 2 months ago I got this sweet little side table from the DI for 15$.
I of course forgot to take a before picture, cause I suck, but its pretty easy to imagine. It was a yucky laminate wood.

I needed it for this empty sort of awkward spot.
(I have the cute kitties)
I tried spray painting it, but didnt sand it. Then realized, there is a reason people sand things. So thats when the project got put on hold, because I hate sanding. So today I sanded, and finished it.

I got the sweet red lamp from the DI also, for 3$. eeks. I was so excited about it. Actually everything on that table came from the DI minus the lamp shade.

I want to have religious things in my house, but I don't like the typical things, glass little temples, pictures of christ etc. So this is one way I display my religiousness.
I quite enjoy this new little part to my downstairs living room. :)


The Hicks Family said...

hey lady! no spray paint when your prego!!!!.. no paint at all unless it's no VFC's... i know.. i've had my addiction on hold too! :(

The Viewer said...

ooooo i love it! You are so good!! What a find. And that lamp! LOVE IT

How Sweet It Is-A lifestyle blog said...

I just stumbled upon your blog and found that we have almost the same table!! Check it out! How weird is that? I got mine on freecycle.org for free. I love your blog and your decor projects.