Tuesday, July 27, 2010

pregnancy update

I am due April 7, 2011.

it seems far away, I know. I will explain.
late June I had a positive pregnancy test.
then early July I started bleeding.
My Dr. thinks that I had an early miscarriage, or a chemical pregnancy.
and then got pregnant, again, in July.
so, I was pregnant for about 6 weeks, then not pregnant for 2 weeks, then pregnant again and am now about 4-5 weeks along in the second one.
make sense?
so I should have been about 8-10 weeks along right now, but I guess my body started it over...
so I am 4 weeks almost 5. :)
So the ultra sound today showed nothing, because its too early.
The reason I even had an ultra sound scheduled was to check up on a cyst that I had on an ovary.
that cyst is completely gone, so they think it was an ovulation cyst, that burst, and released an egg, that then got fertilized etc.
So, its still really early in my pregnancy, but all signs point to it going great.


Laci said...

So I had almost the exact same thing happen with me before I got pregnant with elle, so I know its not super fun :( I was 8 weeks and miscarried, and then got pregnant again the very next month. I'm so happy that you were able to get pregnant again so quickly!! I am sorry for all you have been through, but so excited for all that's coming up!! Cant wait for your updates on everything!!

It's Me...shell said...

That's crazy and anti-climactic for you. Not fun to be less far than you thought, but I'm glad everything is looking good