Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I love blogging. It helps me process things and see things in real perspective. So if any of it is boring to you, well, don't read. ;)

Theres a lot about being a mom I wasn't expecting, or thought would be different.

First, I was convinced I would never be one of those moms who dont get ready each day, and spend the day in their PJ's. Maybe when my baby is a few months older that will be the case, but I think daily I get about 3 and half minutes to myself, which is used to pee.

second, there is no such thing as a quick trip when you have a baby. Currently at Costco are sitting some prints I ordered of my little tyke, and I thought I would run go get them this morning. Then I realized I can't really just run in, I have to bring the tyke, and he's a lot to haul around.

third, it really truly is so exhausting taking care of a newborn. Which is weird to me, I mean, he just eats sleeps and poops, whats so exhausting about that? I don't know, its just a constant need he has for something, and its hard.

fourth, I am sooo grateful for those who have helped me when I needed it. You know who you are, answered questions, kept me entertained, visited, etc. Every bit of it has helped so much.

fifth, the memory of being pregnant is getting dimmer each day. It seems like years ago that I was impatiently trying to get him out, not 3 weeks ago.

Life is starting to seem a bit more normal. We are slowly but surely getting Henry on a schedule that works for all of us. Our days consist of just staying home and trying to get into a swing of things. Bath time is by far my favorite part of the day. He is just so cute when he is all wet and clean and snuggled in a towel. The funniest thing about Henry is when he smiles, we aren't sure he knows he is smiling because its totally unprovoked, we think its gas. Which makes it hilarious. Henry is tall and skinny like his dad, he is in the 95 percentile for height(which means he is taller than 95% of babies his age) and in the 25-50 percentile for weight.
I still think labor and delivery was the funnest thing ever, and recovery was the worst thing ever. That opinion will probably never change. I am still not 100% recovered.
I've hit a wall and I have no idea what to blog about. My day consists of poop, bottles and trying to force a newborn to nap. I have no pictures of fabrics and shelves to show you, and I haven't had any time to even think about anything other than baby.
Hopefully this will pass.
And hopefully this post is good enough for now.


Laci said...

I love this post. It really is exactly how I feel, and how a lot of moms feel. Its like when husbands come home from work and ask what you did today, and its like well...? Its hard to put into words, but its SO exhausting and busy.. just hard to explain.

Oh and I totally know what you mean about "running" out to the store. Daniel and I would do late night runs to the gas station ALL THE TIME to get candy when we didnt have kids, and now we laugh at that and miss it. (although we still sometimes send one of us, while the other stays home lol) :) It really is SUCH a hassle to get out the door though. I try and go once a week to any and all stores that I need to go to, and get it done in the morning when baby is sleeping and then I'm done for the week- usually.

Anyway, I hope little Henry is adjusting with his days and nights!! I think one month is when it starts getting even funner and they start sleeping better in my opinion. He is sooooooooooo cute!!!!!! Love the comment about gassy smiles :) those are the best!!

Angela said...

I think this is great!! It makes me excited for the day that I have a little one, but I still have awhile for that. Your blogs have changed, and in some ways, I think I would rather hear about all the baby stuff than what new fabric and amazing craft things you are doing. :) But I do love those things too!!