Friday, June 24, 2011


alright, lets do an update.

It may be boring, I am not feeling spunky, but I must post or I may never.


Is amazing. He is doing SO well since we figured out his medical issues. He has an immature digestive system, and acid reflux. So we give him daily meds, and he is on a VERY expensive pre-digested formula, with those two things he is the happiest baby. He is hitting his milestones early, already grabbing things, babbles all the time, and is ALMOST sleeping through the night, he only wakes once around 2-3 am. He is 97th percentile for height and 26th for weight. We oober love him.


we're good. life has a normal, and I almost love it. Everything, except my weight. Its disgusting, I hate it, I hate my body, my face, my clothes, everything about it. I refuse to not lose the weight. I refuse to be one of those moms talking about losing "baby weight" at my sons first birthday part. its no longer baby weight, its Kati weight, and it must go. I mean, I know I will be a better mom when I am a happier woman. I gained A LOT of weight during pregnancy, more than I care to admit. I lost a lot when I first had him, but now I have about 50 lbs more to lose before I back to normal. ironically enough I am exactly where I was when I first started losing weight, over 2 years ago.

The plan.

this weekend is my get ready to lose it weekend, I am going to indulge, eat whatever, and enjoy it, for come Monday, the eating is is changing. I will work on correcting my eat for the next 2 weeks, and then in two weeks, Henry will be 3 months old, and old enough for the gyms DAYCARE!! I am really excited about this and also really torn at the same time. I have never left Henry alone with a stranger, even at the hospital he only spent about 6 hours total in the nursery. So Jason and I may have to go in one day and meet the people there, and check things out so I will feel comfortable leaving him there. I just keep replaying in my mind all the horror stories out there about people abusing kids while tending them and I could never forgive myself if something awful happened to him. Did anyone else go through this the first time you left your baby with someone other than family?

anyway, follow along here if you care to follow my weight loss progress.


theres your update.

sorry theres no pics. I am too lazy.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

hello out there.

I am in a posting funk.
I haven't posted in weeks.
but I have nothing to post about.
but I am still here.
reading your posts.
so keep posting away.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


This is how I am documenting Henry's(well all my children for that matter) milestones.
I am not big on long lists, or big explanations, so this simple unique way works perfect for me.
I will print these all out into scrapbook pages when he hits a year.

my baby is 2 months old!!! Its pretty exciting and lots of fun. I can't believe how fast time has gone by and am really excited about it. I love how much he is learning and doing these days, totally beats a newborn. :) As hard as it may be we are very excited for the toddler stage. :P