Tuesday, June 7, 2011


This is how I am documenting Henry's(well all my children for that matter) milestones.
I am not big on long lists, or big explanations, so this simple unique way works perfect for me.
I will print these all out into scrapbook pages when he hits a year.

my baby is 2 months old!!! Its pretty exciting and lots of fun. I can't believe how fast time has gone by and am really excited about it. I love how much he is learning and doing these days, totally beats a newborn. :) As hard as it may be we are very excited for the toddler stage. :P


Julia said...

He is so expressive for his age! I love his little smile!

Me said...

That's a great idea. How are you creating those?

bequi said...

Those are super cute. It's amazing to see how much they can change in a month!