Wednesday, November 30, 2011

2nd pregnancy Q&A

Alrighty I will try and answer all the questions people keeping asking me about the pregnancy.

Was it planned?
sort of...a couple months ago we had a pregnancy scare and were totally freaking out. But after it sank in, we were really excited. When it turned out to be a false alarm, we decided we wanted to start trying. We didnt plan on having our kids this close, it took us 6 months to get pregnant with Henry so we were expecting it to take that long, but it only took one cycle.

When are you due?
July 23, 2012

How far along are you?
I am 7 weeks. Yes, I know, thats super early to announce a pregnancy. Originally when we decided to get pregnant we agreed we wouldnt announce it until the second trimester, but then when we got pregnant earlier than expected and thanksgiving was right around the corner, I couldnt pass up the chance to announce on thanksgiving, and it was awesome. Besides, if something does happen, I would want my friends and family to know to help me deal with it.

Are you hoping for a girl this time?
Nope. I want another boy. I want Henry to have a brother and to be honest, I think Henry is just so dang cute I wouldnt mind all boys. Seriously.

How are you feeling?
AWFUL. I forgot how miserable the first trimester was, and this time its a tiny bit worse. I am tired all the time, sick all the time, very picky about food, and this time I have had a headache for two weeks, and insomnia.

You're going to have two kids in diapers!
lol yes, we know this. We will probably also have 2 kids in cribs. but ya know, it just felt right. When we got a false alarm positive, it felt like(spiritual cheesiness comin on)that was the lord's wa of telling us its time to have another, but that he needed us to do it on our own to show that we trust in his timing. So thats what we did.

Is it hard being pregnant and having a baby?
surprisingly not as hard as I thought it would be. I almost think its easier than with an older child because Henry takes 2 long naps, so I get to nap also. I am sure it will be much harder once I start getting bigger.

So thats that. I wont post as much with this pregnancy as I did with the other, because I have Henry keeping me busy and I suspect I would just have the same things to say.

1 comment:

It's said...

YAY! Congrats again! Having two in diapers isn't hard, but it does make potty training a bit harder. I can't go sit by him on the potty for a long time. And kids taking two naps while you're pregnant is the best. I looked forward to those naps everyday.