Thursday, November 17, 2011

I can not live like this

Help a mommy out.

Henry has transitioned from 3 naps, down to 2.
Totally ok with it, because he goes to bed earlier.
bedtime used to be around 9 pm, now its 7ish.
He used to wake up around 7 to 8 am, now he wakes up at 6am, sometimes even 530 am!
I can not live like this, people.
How do you take away a nap which makes them tired earlier for bed, but get them to still wake up at their normal time in the morning?!
am I the only one who has/had this problem?


Laci said...

I'm kind of a mean mommy :) But I let them lay in there and play fora bit before getting them. It seems to help them learn that they dont have to cry for me to come and get them. I hope this helps!! Give your mama some sleep Henners!! ;)

Jenny said...

I agree with Lacy. Put a couple books/toys in his crib, swap them out every few days and let him learn to entertain himself for half an hour. I started waiting til Trin would calm down before I would get her. First it was just for a couple minutes and progressively longer.
Also, even though he got rid of a nap doesnt mean he'll move that time to his night sleeping. As he gets older he just doesnt need to sleep as much. you could try getting him to stay up a little later every couple nights so he doesnt go to sleep til 8ish then you might get an extra half hour+ in the morning after he adjusts.

Robins Family said...

I agree with Laci. I was/am a nap Nazi! Ethan is almost 4 and still takes an afternoon nap. Its much needed most days! When Ethan was that age I had him take a morning nap from 10-12 and then an afternoon nap from 2-3:30sih and he would be in bed at 8. Both the kiddos are in bed now by 8 and up by 7am. Paxton naps right now about the same schedule that Ethan was on. I wouldn't take away a nap right now because its good 'me' time and they need it to grow. Maybe try putting Henry to bed a hour later.

It's said...

You just have to let them be in there till 7 or whenever you'd want them to wake up then they'll just stay asleep after a while of that. at least that's what we did