Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I love that little giant.

There are times being a parent when you just look at your baby and in your head yell,"WHY?!"
Like tonight for instance.
We went to the grocery store about 7:30, on the way home around 8:30 he had fallen asleep.
We moved him from his carseat, to his crib, and he went to bed.
Till 9 pm. He woke up slightly, so we hurried and made a bottle, tried to feed him, but he wasnt having it, and he was awake.
This was a moment when in my head I would typically yell in my head,"WHY?!"
But not tonight. Tonight was different. Tonight as I cradled him in my arms and bounced him while walking trying to get him back to sleep, I looked down at him. He was looking back at me, and just staring. He had the sweetest smile on his face, he was as calm as can be, and for a few minutes in his quiet nursery we just stared and smiled at each other.
Its a moment I hope I never forget.
In that moment he wasn't just a baby, he was a fellow spirit here on earth with me, and I felt it.

My mother in law always says that babies cry because its hard for such strong giant spirits to be trapped in such a tiny body.
Tonight I realized this is true of Henry. He has such a strong giant spirit, and I am sooooo grateful to be able to be his mom.

I love that little man.
He is why I am here.
I know I was born to be his mom.
I born to love him.
I was born to teach him.
and he was born to teach me.
Gosh I love that little man.

(I am going to go sneak into his nursey now and peak at him.)

1 comment:

Katelyn Krum Shaw said...

sometimes being a mother is the most wonderfully frustrating thing!