Thursday, November 3, 2011

Pinterest has brainwashed us

its a lovely thing isn't?

The other night I showed Jason this picture, found on Pinterest:

melted crayon art

I said Jason we have to do this! Its so cool!
He looked at it, looked at me, and said,"It just looks like melted crayons..."
Then I looked at it, and thought, IT DOES LOOK LIKE MELTED CRAYONS!

Here's the thing about Pinterest. Its fantastic for sharing ideas and getting inspiration, but its got us all warped on what we actually like.
Just because it is on Pinterest, doesn't mean its cool, pretty, trendy, etc.
So I am going to blow out of the water all the Pinterest brain washings.

The Keep Calm signs

keep calm
I never liked these, but seriously? Its a picture of large bold fonts with a really ugly crown. Its not pretty or appealing to the eye, and really? I don't even like the quote.

The scrabble letters

oversized Scrabble letters

Wow, I don't even understand who started this, but really, its soooo overdone and to me just looks like you missed some pieces when cleaning up a childs game.

Ugly girl clothes

scrap fabric tutus

This child looks like she is wearing rags. It looks awful.

The paint samples

crafts with paint samples

SO TACKY!!! I can't even begin to explain how tacky I think it is to decorate with these.

Ugly pillows
diy pillows
Why are people putting ruffles on pillows? you aren't going to rest your head on a pillow like this and frankly it just looks unfinished.

There you have it.
If you find yourself liking any of these pictures, ask yourself, are YOU Pinterest brainwashed?


Tiffany Renee said...

I like that little girl skirt! And I don't think the pillows are bad. But I don't like anything JUST because its on Pinterest. There are lots of things on there that I think are overrated or bad ideas. lol. I've seen lots of projects and decorating things that I know are going to fail within a month and keep seeing them repinned and repinned

Kourtney said...

I'm with you on everything but the pillows. You don't lay your head on throw pillows they're just supposed to be pretty.

Jenny said...

There are lots of crappy thing on pinterest but I think.scrabble letters can be good if it actually spells.something, idk what that picture is you have up. And while I wouldnt call the crayon thing art I think kids would Love to do/watch that happen. Lets be honest when it comes to kids its not always pretty; sometime its just fun, or educational and that is more than enough reason to have it in your house until the next ugly learning experience.

Whit said...

I love the keep calm signs I even make them and sell them. And people tell me how much they love them. They make me feel good and I think it is a wonderful saying that lifts people up. I dont think there is anything wrong with a quote displayed in our home that motivates us and pushes us forward.the scrabble letters can be cute depending on what you do with them. I think that skirt is adorable. And the pillows aren't to lay your head on they are to look pretty and I think they are doing just that. I liked all of these ideas before pinterest. I only pin things I like. I believe that is the point. It is your database of ideas you love and want to remember.

Laci said...

I have to say that I LOVE that little girl skirt, and indeed, have pinned it so I can make matching ones for my girls for thanksgiving LOL And I also love ruffled pillows :) But I will say that there are a lot of tacky things out there, and I find myself seeing repeat pins of things that I'm like "really?" Anyway.. I guess that's the beauty of pinterest! You can pin what YOU like.

. said...

I stumbled across you blog... and I can honestly say I 100% agree with your post.

What is worse... is when people take the ideas from pinterest, and re-post it to their personal blog, stating that it was their idea for the craft... worse yet.... making money off of someone else' idea.

The melted crayons.... really?

The Keep Calm signs.... I seriously think that it's dumbest thing ever, and all the different holiday takes.. really? Those that buy that as motivational bullshit should consider posting a quote by ghandi or mother theresa.

The skirt.. agreed... looks like rags... the tutu phase is already ridiculous as it is.

Paint samples... really... does one just go and steal them from home depot... or actually buy them? ghetto.

and the ruffle pillows... they're not pretty by anymeans... I agree they look unfinished...worse yet, they look like an olden day petti-coat... therefore only good for someone to put their ass on...

Now, I can say that I do look at pinterest and there are some pretty legit idea... but once you see what all your followers post, and what you said "trendiness"... then it kind of loses it's appeal altogether... then again, that pretty much sums up utah...

end rant. lol

Jes said...

Technically that little girl is wearing rags. /frownsmile/

But I do like the crayon 'picture.' I wouldn't ever make one. I am not brave enough to decorate with that.

It's said...

I don't like the plain Crayon ones, but I really like the ones that have ballerinas on them.

Anonymous said...

funny funny post! but just FYI the keep calm and carry on poster (which I agree are so overdone and drive me crazy) is not just bold font with a crown. It's actually a vintage public service poster from the united kingdom during world war two. It was a slogan and image were intended to keep public spirits up. Kind of interesting history, but the phrase and image are so thrown around now it's meaningless.