This, is Charlie. Also know as Char Char. He is almost 7 months old.
He is the SWEETEST baby there is. He is rarely upset, and smiles at everyone. He will melt your heart.
He is such a binkie baby, and I love it. It's so much easier to do everything, with him taking a binkie. He's upset in the car? put a binkie in. He woke up? put a binkie in. Henry hit him on the head? put a binkie in!
He's a camera ham. I wonder why....
He has such beautiful blue eyes. I have no idea where they came from, but I adore them. I get lost in them.
He puts up with Dad and Henry putting hats on him. Such a trooper.
He is itchin to get mobile. He walks all over the place in his walker. And come on, is that not the cutest church outfit for a baby you have ever seen?!
He is HUGE. 97% for height 73% for weight and 100% for head. He is in 12 month clothes easy.
He has no teeth yet! Its weird to me. I expected some by now. On his own time.
He is the perfect mellow addition to our high energy family. He provides the peace and calmness we need. He is a big piece of the Powell puzzle, and I am glad we got him.