Monday, January 28, 2013

Its all about Henry

This is the Henry. He is just shy of 2 years old. Let me tell you about him. 

It really doesn't get much cuter, and more fun than this toddler, right here. I love being able to photograph my children as they are. How I want to remember them. Henry LOVES his blankie. It really is a staple in his life. 

He never really like binkies, but he sucks on his two fingers. I think its sweet, and I don't care to make him stop. I think he will give it up when he is ready, and thats ok. 

He has no pants on in some of the pictures because it was morning, and he wet right through his diaper in the middle of the night, like he frequently does, so most mornings he is pantsless. This kid has wicked fast kidneys, I tell ya. 

He is the healthiest eater of the fam. Always wanting fruit, lean proteins, and plenty of Vitamin C. He also has been known to build a mean lego tower. 

He is quite the little climber. He keeps me going ALL.DAY.LONG.

He still sleeps in a crib, and thats OK, too. Why rock the boat? he loves it. He actually likes to go to bed these days. I think he realizes how nice sleep is, and that he needs it. He will grab his blankie, climb up the stairs, into his room, turn off the light and say,"BYE!" 

This is his favorite book. Its a little Einsteins book. He points and knows what everything is, even if we've never said it before. 

Its my favorite age thus far. He knows who Jesus is, or as he says,"jeeeez"

This little guy steals my heart every single day, and I love it. 

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