Friday, January 30, 2009

Lucky me

First off, let me tell you how much I love all of you! YAY for my blog friends!!!!

Alrighty, So let me tell you something I learned from my new Job. First, what I do all day is go to law firms, get their documents and take it back to my work. rinse, repeat. So most of the law firms I deal with are in the tallest buildings in SLC, Wells Fargo building, Utah one center and so forth. So Through the process of doing this job I have learned that I am TERRIFIED of elevators. Seriously. There are some pretty shaddy ones in SLC and they make me wanna pee my pants. no joke. There are ones that rattle on your way down, there are some that you can hear the cords like scrapping against the workings of it, some that jolt you really hard when you reach your floor and there is one that when the doors open, your still 2 feet higher then then floor and you have to wait for it to lower down. Every time I get in one I think ok, I am going to the 14th floor so if it drops from there it will be a quick death. I am so scared that I dont even wanna make mingle small talk with the random strangers. Also, I havent been on a single elevator that has elevator music! sad huh? such is my life. lol

Weight loss update- I had to get my ring re-sized!!! YAY I went from 8 3/4 to 7 3/4. my fingers have never ever been under a size 8. ever. in my whole life. I am planning on ordering more winsor pilates workouts, they are that good and its just good to swith up your work out so your body doesnt adjust. right now I have 4 and I want 4 more.

So on a more sad note, my car got broken into this week, again. 2 months ago it got broken into and they stole my MP3 player, this time they took my whole stereo. I am so tired of it. I went to go to work in the morning and saw finger marks all over my door handle, looked inside and it was gone. Jerks. I started crying and realized I couldnt go into work like that so I called and explained, they said to take my time. So I called the police, filed a report and that was all they could do. I then called my apartment manager and just burst into tears on the phone. I told her this is the second time and asked if she would be kind enough to let us out of our lease early so i can feel more safe where I live. she said she cant because they have 30 vacant apartments, if they were full she would let us. She asked how much it would be to fix and I said it was going to cost us around 400$. She said if we bring her the receipt she would take that much off our rent!!! What a way nice lady Lisa is. She absolutely did not have to do that and I am grateful she was that nice and understanding. So we have an appointment tomorrow to take my car in for a new stereo and an alarm system. Total is 391.46. Seriously, my apartment complex rocks.

Dad is out of Iraq in less than 2 days!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

random topics

HI!! this is pretty much going to be a really random post. so I am still down a whole pant size!! YAY! I am excited and very proud of myself, BUT I didnt realize that by losing weight, My clothes wouldnt fit. So ALL of my work pants, my 7 pairs of slacks, dont fit and they dont have belt loops so I have to safety pin them. I dont want to buy new clothes because I am still wanting to go down a few sizes. here is a picture of my progress!I think its probably 3-4 inches of my waist, and I am not sucking in!!! Oh and by the way, I have done this WITHOUT a scale. I have no idea how much I weigh, I feel like scales depress people, especially when they weigh in at random points of the day cause your body naturaly fluctuates. Besides, I dont care how much I weigh, I care what size I am! Here is what I do, I eat siz small meals a day. In the morning I have a breakfast drink and maybe some toast, then I have a yogurt around10, small lunch at 1230, at 3 I have 2 granola bars, the at 6 I have dinner with Jason, a around 8 I go to the gym, I run for 30 mins or I go for 15 mins doing every 30 seconds walking( it keeps your body from adjusting to running so you still burn fast) after that I come home and eat pepperoni and cottage cheese or edamama! YAY! I also drink my 64 oz of water a day, that part sucks. I do pilates 5 times a week in the morning after Jason leaves for work, I dont go to work til 9 so I have time to do it. Which brings me to my next topic...WORK!!!
           I work at Orange Legal Technologies. It is a technology place that helps law firms with their computer systems, copying and scanning, and with their electronic forensics. Don't worry, I dont do that stuff, although i could, My title is Customer Service Rep, which is way fun!!! I get to go to all the law firms in salt lake, talk to the attorneys and get their projects from them, take them back to my work and give them to the people who do the stuff!! Its pretty much a REALLY great chance for me to network with all the law firms so when I get my Paralegal degree I will already know A LOT of people and be able to find a great job really fast no matter the economy. I am very excited about it and it was totally worth the wait.
            Jason got a PS3 video game thing. He really likes it and has a lot of fun playing on it. We have a month pass to blockbuster so he can play whatever game he wants altough he has had the same game out forever. football, go figure.
            My dad comes home from Iraq on Feb 8th!!! he actually leaves Iraq on feb 2 at 150 am which is like feb 1st at noonish to us! my mom as you can imagine is very excited. We left all the christmas decorations up because he missed christmas, so yes, my mom kept the tree up, the stockings, lights and everything! I think its very cute. He is flying into the army airport so we will be with all the other families of the deployed soliders, its always a very emotional place but this time its in a good way.
           I have other craft projects in mind that I wanna do but I have to wait til we get a house because Jason doesnt want me putting anymore holes in the wall. This idea is for nightstands though, not your typical nightstand, I am excited! I will let you now!
Jason and I arent buying a house anytime soon but we are buying a car!! mine is just such a POS. Apparently they released a new mazda 6 model so all the old ones are really really cheap. 2007 and 2008 mazda 6's are going for 10k-12k now. So that is probably what we will get cause that is just a ridiculously good deal. It will be funny cause Jason already has a Mazda3 so both of our cars will be Mazdas. oh well!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pull that stick out of your butt, shut up, sit down and listen.

About our new president. Obama. I have heard a LOT of opinions today, and everyone is entitled to their opinion. So now let me express mine. When this election started I wasnt for one or the other. Through out the election I became swayed to Obama. the little things, you know. anyway. Obama was elected, by the people, for the people. This system was put into place long ago to protect the country from politicians taking over. It has done well so far, and we would do well to trust it. NOW, my beef. with stupid people who call themselves americans. I just got off facebook where numorous people expressed what they called their "hatred" for Obama. first of all, I know for a fact that NO ONE on my friends list personally knows Obama. If you dont personally know someone, how can you have the audacity to say you hate them? Even if you do know them, how is hating someone, Christ-like? Hint, It's not. second of all, the beauty of america is diversity. blacks, whites, asians, mexicans, koreans, chilians etc can all live in equality and are afforded the same rights to vote and the run for office. It is a CORE part of america, the freedom that every person deserves to be treated equally and be taken seriously. At the very least, every person deserves a chance. A chance to make this country better, to prove themselves worthy, to act on their word and to fulfil their responsibility with the FULL F-ING support of the country behind them. I can not believe people are sitting here today saying they hate obama. In case you havent been following, Obama EARNED his presidency. He won the votes, and he deserves the RESPECT all presidents before him received. If you cant give Obama a chance, your not an american. your a disgrace to everything this country stands for and for everything the soliders are fighting to defend. You are not patriotic. You are in my opinion, a terrible self absorbed person. This hits close to home seeing as how my dad is fighting in Iraq as we speak. Let me get one thing out there. If the tables were turned and McCain was president, although I did not vote for him, he would have my full undivided support. No wavering, No critisism. Because he would have deserved that much respect. 

Saturday, January 17, 2009


So today Jason and I went to the mall and I tried on some clothes. It was great. I am down an entire pant size! and american eagle shirts actually looked good on me. yay for losing weight! ya know whats funny about that? this is the ONLY year I didnt make a new years resolution, normally I make a resolution to lose weight, and the year i dont make one, I lose weight! whatever works. 

Last night Jason and I went on a date. yep thats right, a date! it was very fun. we went to The Tuscany, its the most fancy place I had ever been to. we had a gift certificate, I got Lasagna and Jason got chicken. our meals were very delicious. After dinner we went to temple square and watched the Jospeh Smith movie. that was good, my husband was so cute ;-). When we got home Jasons good friend James and his wife Jordan came over with their baby! so cute. We sat around and talked, then played a bunch of games. Date nights with them are really a good time. I really like James and Jordan, we dont hang out with that often but we are going to change that. We are going to have a BBQ chicken night with them soon, it will be a good time. 

I got new running shoes!! YAY! I NEEDED new running shoes. my only ones were ones from payless shoes like 3 years ago. no bueno. I did get a blister this week from some other shoes I got for christmas, I opted to pop the blister and cover it with a band-aid. I googled it and the opinions were split on whether people think you should pop them or leave them alone. I decided to pop it because I thought it would be fun lol. would you pop it or leave it alone?

Saturday, January 10, 2009

alright last craft til curtains.

All right this was my last craft that involved canvas and modge podge. My wonderful friend Bequi helped me cut out 45 circles out of 15 different pages and then we modged podged them onto canvas which i had previously painted. They are 16x20 and they hang right over our bed. they kinda take the place of a head board. our bedroom isnt the whole brown and blue theme like the rest of the place, its just brown and now all these colors!!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Craft time!!!! SO EXCITING!!!

So its been craft time at the powell residence for the last 3 days. so much freaking fun. I did what I told you guys I was going to do and good golly I love it! I am not sure how I feel about the coke bottles with the flowers so lets hear what you think. I have one more craft project which Bequi and I are doing tomorrow! YAY!

so these pics are in random order. in one of them are my canvas pictures! all of them are on brown painted canvas with scrapbook paper on them. so cute.

one of them are the coke bottles i told you about along with a picture that i painted the white mat, blue.

and one is my couch. cause i love it.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

girls night!!

So last was girls night out! so exciting. our girls night has really evolved over the years from partying and picking up guys, to baby slobber at a dennys table talking about married life but i love it! Bequi and I weathered the snow and drove to Layton, we were supposed to go bowling but the lanes didnt open til 1030 pm and there is no way we were going to wait that long. So we went to dennys instead. I absolutely love every chance i get to be with these girls. we all come from such different backgrounds and we like different things, and have different types of guys but we get along and love each other to death. love 'em! anyway here are some pictures.

Oh and one of me and Jason cause I know you love them.

Monday, January 5, 2009

The funniest story ever!

ok this is my 2nd post for today but you will love it! alright so i have been told that i HAVE to blog my latest kati story. my story begins late tuesday afternoon, i had spent all morning cleaning our front room and kitchen. the last step in the kitchen was to clean the stove. Well lucky for me my stove is a SELF CLEANING stove! YAY! right? NO.

So I turn the self cleaning button on, it says its cleaning and that I need to lock the oven door. So I flip the switch and its locked. YAY! So I leave it alone and proceed to clean the front room. I am going to town on it when I notice a smell similar to smoke.

"Smoke? why do I smell smoke?" I thought to myself.

So I looked over at the oven and there is smoke creeping out of it! So I thought to myself,"self? is that normal?" I decide that there is really no harm in it other then it smells which if it cleans my stove, I can handle. back to cleaning the front room. Well 5 minutes later it REALLY smells. So I look back at the stove and there is a FLAME INSIDE!!! like the inside of my stove is on FIRE!

"now thats NOT normal." I think.

But I decided I need a second opinion. who should I call I think to myself. Well who better to call? So i grab my cell and enter 9-1-1 Send. my phone immediately sends my GPS location and soon there is a 911 operator on my line.
"whats your emergency do you need Fire Ambulance or police?" She asked.
"um, fire I guess?" I replied.
"1234 well wood rd correct?" she confirms.
"um, yay but I just has a ques-" I mutter.
"Ma'am evacuate your building." She demands.
" EVACUATE MY BUILDING?! awkward I have never met my neighbors..." I inform.
"MA"AM, evacuated your buidling." she again firmly demands.

So I grab some shoes, and run all through out my building knocking on doors telling people to get out. luckily for me there werent many people home, just housewives. the operator tells me to get as far away as possible. at this point I realize my simple just asking a question is no longer a question. So 2 seconds after I get outside, a Midvale cop car comes racing around the corner. Awkward. So they come up to me and I say-
" I am so sorry, I was just letting my oven self clean itself and it caught on fire on the inside, is that normal?"
the cop proceeds to tell me that he doesnt think its normal but that a fire truck was on its way and would be able to be of further assistance. So the 2 cops and I just shoot the breeze. Well in the midst of telling them what i got for christmas we hear fire sirens around the block. Oh good they are almost here. well after a couple of minutes of hearing the sirens, we wonder why we havent seen the cop radios to them. come to find out, they got STUCK! the roads in my apartment complex are full of 90 degree turns and they werent wide enough for the fire truck. So the cop tells me that if a fire truck hasnt arrived on scene within 5 mins its POLICY to have them send another one... SERIOUS? all i needed was an answer to my question... they didnt care. so soon we can hear the sirens of the SECOND fire truck. oh good. its on the other side of the first one. well minutes go by and it doesnt arrive...ITS STUCK TOO!! so they send a THIRD FIRE TRUCK! ARE YOU FOR REALS?!?! well the fire trucks werent able to get there in time so the operator dispatched an ambulance!! the problem is that my apartments sit right on the border of midvale sandy and murray. go figure. So when the call when over the CB radio all 3 counties responded!!! the fire trucks finally decided to run over the apartment landscaping. oopsies. when everyone arrived there were 3 fire trucks, 3 ambulances, and 6 cop cars. dude.
So the fire captain comes over to me and I again explain what I did and I ask if thats normal when all of a sudden a little tiny golf cart comes around the corner, its my apartment Matienence crew. good hannah. the guy comes over asks what happen, I again ask if its normal for the stove to catch fire to which he replies,-
"oh yeah! they do that all the time!"
"really?" I said
"oh yeah, all the time."
so before I could feel like an idiot for too long the fire captain looks at him and says-
pretty much he got really irratated that this was "normal."
(side note, I am pretty sure my apartment manager got sited for the driveways not being accessable to the fire trucks and for having faulty stoves. eeks)

looking at the top floor, our apartment, you could tell when they actually opened the stove because a huge gushing smoke cloud comes billowing out the sliding door which they had opened. garsh.

When I am told I need to go inside, I go in. There are 2 firefighters still inside( if I was single oh my gosh I would have been in heaven), they tell me I need to have them replace the stove and that they had to break the stove door open because it was locked and wouldnt open till it was "clean." garsh, again. so now my stove is dirty, hot, broken and it the middle of my friggin kitchen. oh wells. I decide no more cleaning for me today. lol. I sat on the couch and watched Nanny 911.



In the short amount of time I feel I have been a grown up I have learned so much the blessings I have in my life. I have so many things to be grateful for I don't know why it takes maturing to understand the wonders of my life. my parents put up with so much as I was growing into myself. although throughout most of my life they never understood me or my actions, they were always there to show their love and support. they were always there to help me, and they still are. I know my parents love each other and that gives me a great sense of future. It gives me something to look forward to in getting older. It gives me a sense of security in knowing they did something right all these years. I was so fortunate as a child to be able to travel the world they way I did. I went to Panama, Germany and many of the US states. my parents always told me I was lucky and that I should remember as much of it as possible but it wasn't until now that I realized how most people don't really leave Utah. perhaps one of the luckiest things in my life are my sisters. growing up I didn't get along with most of them, its impossible for my family to understand where I was coming from when I was young but as I have grown up I have realized its up to me to make relationships work. I cant rely on others adapting to my way of life, its me who must change if I am to be close to my family. I wouldn't trade my sisters for anything. they are the best, and I love them. My friends are such amazing and beautiful people. Bequi has been the most supportive friend I have ever had. growing up in the army it became hard for me to know how to KEEP friends, I always moved away. But having someone like Bequi as a friend has made it really easy to remain good friends. she encompasses everything it means to be a best friend. She is always there for me, even if I did something totally stupid. I love her to death and I know we will be old ladies knitting oven mitts one day laughing over my stupid blonde stories. Ami Curtis is such an amazing beacon of light and spirit. she is an amazingly strong woman. she understands her value as a daughter of god and she helps others realize theirs. her passion to help others makes her such a special friend. one I will love forever. Kourtney will always occupy a place in my heart, for without her, I would be lost. Kourtney and her testimony is what kept me active in the church at such a hard time in my life. It was her caring nature that reached out to me and it was through her that I felt my saviors love so strong. I love her! Shana, oh shana. Such a thoughtful and caring friend, she is the most non-judgmental person I know. all she really wants to do is help you feel the saviors love for you and she will stop at nothing to help you get there. Allison! sweet little allison. she deserves the absolute best and I am so happy to see she has finally found someone who I know treats her like a queen. she is a strong person, and is an amazing friend. Last of all, and most certainly the most important is my Husband. Jason is the only person who has truely understood me. who has seen me for who I am, and loves me unconditionally. Jason is my reason for being. My partner in life, he is there for me through everything I go through. I know we haven't been married for long but I cant help but think life would have been so much easier if I had him from the beginning. don't know how that would be possible but oh well. Jason worries about me, cares for me, laughs with me, cries with me, acts like a dork with me and there isn't a single person who would ever compare to the man that Jason is. Oh how I love him. its amazing to me, I look back to when we first got engaged and I cant even believe how much my love for him has grown. I love him so much deeper then I thought. My love for him consumes every part of my being. I have loved every single minute since being married, even the hard ones. without hardships and trials, you cant understand Joy. eternity with Jason is pure Joy. In my life all I need is love, understanding and acceptance. Jason floods me with everything I need. He is amazing and I love him so so so much.