Monday, February 9, 2009

things have a way of being terrible.

Ok, first let me start by saying this is a very hard topic for me to discuss. Even typing about it makes me burst into tears. My little sister Hollie was in a near head on collision. a car hydro plained into her lane in provo canyon, the car was coming at her head on, Hollies instincts were to turn the car so her passanger didnt recieve any impact. In my opinion hollie's split second decision saved all 4 persons involved. she avoided it being completely head on, and the car hit the front corner of her truck. Hollie was rushed to the hospital in critical conditon and remains there. Her arm is broken in 2 spots, her leg is broken in 2 spots, her ankle is completely shattered, they removed a rib, and the worst, she broke her back. she has had 4 surgeries since friday and is in for 3 more. she is the strongest person I know and is handling as well as she can. She is in so much pain every single minute of her life. Its hard for me to talk about, I feel so helpless and I want to be there with her all the time. Every free moment I have I am thinking about her. I miss her, I love her, I want her to heal. PLEASE PRAY FOR HER.


Tinkerbell said...

Our Savior knows your pain. Go to him for strength. Our family is praying for your sister and your family. With Love, Stacy

Joami said...

i love ya girl, i'll pray for her, let me know if you need to do something to get your mind off things. and don't worry about the not working out and stuff, your beautiful, you've always been beautiful and you will always be beautiful!

Crandalls said...

Oh my gosh! I am so so sorry...I know I am kinda far away to help but let me know if there is anything my family can do to help you guys. Hang in there...I will let my family know too to pray for you guys!

Shalamar said...

I'm so sorry. We will keep you both in our prayers. You're so wonderful and I know your sister is grateful for you love and support.

Andrew & Angel Bitter said...

I am so sorry to hear about your sister. I will keep her in my prayers. But what I remember she is very strong and she will get through this well. I am here also to help get your mind off what happened. Just let me know. Love you tons!

bequi said...

I just read everything. I'm glad she's doing better so quickly and I'm sorry this happened. Just be glad it happened now when a broken back doesn't mean paralyzed for life like it used to! You really have so much to be thankful for with the whole situation and if you feel down about it, just try to remember that. Love you!!