Tuesday, March 31, 2009



This house to be specific!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Lets take a poll

I have a semi friend that is getting married soon, She keeps asking me and making sure I am going to go to her reception. Now let me ask you, is it wrong of me to take the stand of," If you didn't go to my reception, there is not a chance I am coming to yours." I mean, really. I am not bitter about anyone who didn't come but I am sure as heck not going to go to theirs.

So for the future, if you're getting married and you didn't come to my reception, just don't even send me an invite. But CONGRATS!!!!

Monday, March 23, 2009


Oh what a life its been so far and it couldn't be any better! last night our dryer broke out of total randomness, after a few moments of sadness and stress we realized my uncle has an extra one!! we called him up and he said we could have it!! what a wonderful family I have. So today we are going to go pick it up at his house and then Jason and our brother are going to install it, I will be vacating the apartment whilst this happens so as not to stress the boys cause i would tend to freak out. I will be going to the gym! yay! then we I get back, its family home evening time!!! YAY! I am excited for it! despite it being a crummy weather day, its gonna be a pretty good monday. I also made pizza fondue this morning that has been slow cooking all day, oh its gonna be oh so so so good. I feel like Jason and I got the most out of our weekend and I don't feel like it flew by like I usually do. saturday we went golfing and it was way fun! I did pretty well for my first time out this season. Jason and I are getting ready to buy our first house!!! AAAHH!!! talk about scary. the biggest thing we will ever purchase in our life. We are SO excited. its such an amazing time to buy a home with all the incentives and the interest rates!! We are looking at a brand new home in north salt lake, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 car garage, its about 2100 Square feet, BRAND NEW EVERYTHING! never been lived in we are so excited. We looked at this area before we got married and since then, our home model has gone down 50k in price!!!! its unreal. Our mortgage payment wont be more then 300$ more then our rent. love it! Its a big place with plenty of room to grow a little family, ONE DAY. lol. That picture is one of them, there is like 5 but they all look the same. We are meeting with our mortgage lender this week and talking exact price. I am so nervous! buying a house is something my parents do! not me!

Monday, March 16, 2009


GOOD NEWS!!! Jason and I BOTH got promotions at work! YAY!! Jason got his promotion a like 2 weeks ago and I got mine on friday! Jason is being put in charge of a team at Goldman Sachs so he is a team lead now. He is sad to leave his current position cause he loves it so much but is excited to move up in the company. I am glad that we didn't have to move to new york or Hong kong for this promotion, probably will for the next one though!! My promotion is from CSR to accounts payable manager. So I am going from running errands all day to my own desk area and staying in the office all day. Its a bit different and I won't be as active as I used to be but I will get to talk to more clients and network and bit better I think. I started mine today and Jason starts his within a couple weeks as soon as they hire the people that Jason will train. We are both excited and its nice in this economy to feel like you have job security.

Jason and I are doing super!! Our relationship has never been better then it is now and I know it will only get better! I love being married to my best friend and always knowing that I get to come home to him at the end of the day. I love that when I have a problem, its OUR problem to face together. Life has never been more perfect. My sister Hollie is home from the hospital and on her way to a full recovery, My dad is home from Iraq, and its perfect weather for golfing!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

AW how cute!

K so my little cousin said the cutest thing the other day. My cousin Allie is like 4 years old I think. Well my sister hollie was released from the hospital a few days ago and she made an appearance at a family birthday party. My cousin allie decided she wanted to drive home with them so they were getting into the car and it takes a while for my parents to load Hollie into the car and Allie looked at my mom and asked,

"is the mean man who hit Hollie in jail?"

to which my sister and my mom said," no honey, it was an accident, he didnt mean to hit her he just lost control of his car."

to which my sweet little sassy cousin replied," Oh...was he texting?"


Friday, March 6, 2009

Going private!

OK for REALS this time, I am going to make my blog private. SO, if you want to continue reading all about my random adventures with my sidekick husband, you're gonna have to give me your email so I can invite you. It will go private very soon. Even if I don't know who you are, send me your email anyway and I will investigate lol.