Monday, March 16, 2009


GOOD NEWS!!! Jason and I BOTH got promotions at work! YAY!! Jason got his promotion a like 2 weeks ago and I got mine on friday! Jason is being put in charge of a team at Goldman Sachs so he is a team lead now. He is sad to leave his current position cause he loves it so much but is excited to move up in the company. I am glad that we didn't have to move to new york or Hong kong for this promotion, probably will for the next one though!! My promotion is from CSR to accounts payable manager. So I am going from running errands all day to my own desk area and staying in the office all day. Its a bit different and I won't be as active as I used to be but I will get to talk to more clients and network and bit better I think. I started mine today and Jason starts his within a couple weeks as soon as they hire the people that Jason will train. We are both excited and its nice in this economy to feel like you have job security.

Jason and I are doing super!! Our relationship has never been better then it is now and I know it will only get better! I love being married to my best friend and always knowing that I get to come home to him at the end of the day. I love that when I have a problem, its OUR problem to face together. Life has never been more perfect. My sister Hollie is home from the hospital and on her way to a full recovery, My dad is home from Iraq, and its perfect weather for golfing!!


bequi said...

Well your life is dang near perfect! And tomorrow when you come over for BeQui time, it will be! YEAH! You should write about the car.

Andrew & Angel Bitter said...

Well, that all sounds good!Congrats for the both of you!Oh and yes, he does still work at Discover. He is in collections. There is alot of ways to move up in that department its great!