Saturday, May 23, 2009

Drastic change and secret blessings

Sometimes things happen in your life that are blessings in disguise, and I like to call these secret blessings. After Jason and I were married, I was looking for a job in SLC and felt strongly impressed to accept a job offer at Orange Legal Technologies. My job was to communicate with lawyers and paralegals from over 100 law firms in SLC. I looked at this job as a HUGE blessing. and it was, just not for the reasons I thought. I was going to be able to build a network of contacts in the legal field so when I finished school to be a paralegal, I would easily be able to find a job. I have done well as this company, have been promoted and looked at as a problem solving employee by the managing attorney, and the owner himself. This job has been a blessing, it has opened my eyes to the fact that I DO NOT want to work in the legal field. I work with over a 100 law firms, all of which are high stress environments, long hours, boring tedious protocols and little satisfaction. I love law, I love that it can help people, but lets face it, unless you are working for the attorney general and prosecuting sex offenders, its not that great. I love my job, and I am so grateful for it. I am grateful that I was able to realize I wouldn't like that career, before actually getting into it. Not many people get that chance, and I know a lot who wish they would've. I am grateful for secret blessings from my savior.
What am I going to do now you ask? I still want to go to school, as late as it may be and as old as I may be, its important to me. So if I am not going into law, what do I want to do?? simple. I want to get my degree to be a Fitness Technician, or in other words, a personal trainer. I can also get a certification in yoga and be able to teach yoga and pilates classes. Fitness and health are things I am very passionate about and things that will never bore me. Having been overweight, and feeling low about myself, I feel I would be able to relate to people better than someone who hasn't been overweight and doesn't know what they are feeling. I am excited about this new path I have decided to take and if you would have asked me when I was a junior in high school if I could ever see myself as a personal trainer I would have laughed in your face, and then cried. I have lost 30 lbs and there is nothing like experience to teach you about being healthy. I am excited to start this new journey and who knows, things may change, but for now, this is my start.


Angela said...

GOOD LUCK!!! I think you will do great things with that choice of career! And you are so NOT old!! It's never too late to go back to school!! :-) (And I'm speaking from experience!)

Andrew & Angel Bitter said...

Good luck on school. I am filling out papers as I speak for school I need to do something that I love also. I think I fooled around too much. Also I am proud of your weight loss and I applaud you and your choices. ;)

bequi said...

I'm glad you didn't waste a ton of money on legal school. That would bite!