Monday, June 1, 2009

wal mart and my wonderful husband!!!

Let me tell you about my day. My day started today by having the weird urge and craving to watch Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, I know, like I said, weird. My day went on as normal form there til I got off work. Jason had told me he was going to stay at work later then expected and that I should go grocery shopping on my own, which I was fine with. I went to the Wal Mart on 13th and isle by isle loaded my cart with plentiful goodies to stock my enormously bare kitchen. I get the front ready to check out and it comes that dreadful time of picking a lane to stand in. I scower the isles and determine that they all pretty much SUCK and I just need to pick one, so I did. I am standing in this line and I look up at the front, the chick checking out has at least 50 containers of baby formula with a check laying on top of each of them, she was clearly paying with Welfare checks. Garsh. I realize this was probably the worst line to stand in but I have already made the commitment. So I stay, grab a tabloid magazine and start reading about Obama being gay with Michael Jackson. I read an entire article, look up to check the progress of the line and see that the cashier has turned on his help light, GRR. Stupid welfare. I go back to reading my magazine and 5 mins later check the status of the line again, IT HASN"T MOVED! The guys help light is still blinking and we are all just standing there. At this point I have been in the line 10 mins, I know because Jason called me when I got to the line so I was referencing the time my phone said he called. I grab a different magazine and read all about John and Kates 10 million dollar divorce. 5 more mins go by and I check the status, It has not changed, at all. It was at that point, you know the one, where you are debating about whether or not to leave the line and pick a new one but you know as soon as you leave the line will start moving? Now for those of you who don't know this, I used to work at the potrait studio in this wal mart and I actually dated the Loss Prevention Manager at the wal mart, big tongan guy. ANWAY, right as I am getting the point of a meltdown when I see HIM! walking right by registers, I give him this nasty"fix this line or I will be pissed" look. He immediately gets on his walkie and tells a supervisor to go to my line and get it moving. :-) I knew my random unstoppable dating would come in handy one day, and today was that day! We made small talk for a minute about how ridiculously long the line was I stood in and then he made a comment about me being skinny. Now for those of you who are wondering, The total amount of time I stood in that line was 27 minuntes. yep thats right. 4 magazine articles down, 27 minutes later and I finally check out. it was pretty miserable. Had I not dated one of the managers there, who knows how long I would have been there. Jason just laughed.

So I get home, put all the groceries away and settle down with a frozen pizza and my delicious husband! I seriously love my husband. So I mentioned to him earlier that I wanted to go rent willy wonka and watch it tonight cause I was craving it. We were sitting there watching TV and he looked up on the guide when willy wonka was going to be on TV, not till sunday! He said we would Tivo it and watch it sunday. :-( I begrudgingly said ok. He and Derek wanted to go to Smiths and get chips and I didn't so I stayed here. I missed him while he was gone. when he came home he had bought me my favorite chocolate bar!!! I love Dove chocolate and I was excited. Guess what else he bought me?! WILLY WONKA AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY!!!!
EVeryone say it with me, AAAWWWWWW CUUUUUUTE!!!! Pretty much I don't care how awesome you think your husband is, mine is better. :-) Mine does the cutest things for me and not just on Valentines or Birthdays, all the time! Seriously, don't try to agrue, cause I will never agree, I have the best husband.

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