Friday, June 19, 2009

my hair

I am trying to grow out my hair. I have never really had long hair before, the longest I think I ever got it was to my chest. ALL of my sisters have really long hair so I know its in my genes, I just need to be patient.

Any advice?

how often should I trim my ends?

what kind of product should I use?


Here is what my hair is at now, I think the longest I ever got it was about 5 inches longer than that, and I am pretty sure it took me all of high school to do. My problem is I get bored, and impatient. I get bored with my hair and don't want to take the time to do it, so I cut it, or I get too hot in the summer so I cut it also. This summer I have been doing lots of ponytails so I don't feel the urge to cut it.

Here is last year April 9th. I got bored and cut it. Totally regret it, Jami didn't do it either cause she would have for sure talked me out of it. I am pretty sure since this picture I may have cut it a little bit, once, but besides that, that is how fast my hair doesn't grow.

Here is what I want to achieve. I am not sure if I want my bangs as short as this, but its possible.

I have always loved Sophia's hair but I am worried my hair isn't thick enough.
This is the combo I think of the two from above, that is a good length for my bangs and layering. now I just have to wait for it to grow.
I want to say my hair doesn't grow very well anymore because of how many times I have colored it, but I haven't colored it much lately. I think in the last year I have done my set of highlights 4 times, and the last time I went I had her do my natural hair color so I can stop coloring it. I only straighten it every other day, and I blow dry it mostly with cold air.

My hair person is out of the state for the summer. :-( which means I have all summer to grow it, and see what I want to do with it when she gets back. Although if I need it trimmed I am going to have to trust someone else besides her to do it :-(. Jami has been doing my hair for over 3 years now, I am not sure I could venture away. Any advice?


Unknown said...

I've been growing my hair out for awhile and I think the biggest help is just controlling any sudden impulses you have to hack it off. I keep mine in a pony or bun most days for work and so the heat won't bother me so much. I think using a deep coniditioner every week or so really cuts down on the need for trims. I only cut mine about twice a year + my stylist offers free bang trims in between cuts.

Robins Family said...

Katie I was taking a vit called Biotin! It worked wonders on my hair!! Google it! You can get it at walmart! My hair grew SO fast with it and normally it doesnt grow fast at all!! Good luck! We are in the same boat!! Im wanting long hair again just like the photos you posted on here!!

Angela said...

I've always known that you should have a trim every 6 weeks, don't blow dry your hair too often, pull it back in a loose ponytail, and even a massage to the scalp will help. Also, you can take fish oil (omega-3 & 6 is really good for hair and nails) or wash your hair with Mane & Tail (shampoo used for horses, but also sold in stores, like Walmart). Good luck!! I know it's hard to grow your hair out as I'm doing it once again after getting it cut to my shoulders back in October.

Heather said...

When mine was long I was told to trim it every three months (so the split ends get taken off). She would usually just take 1/4 to 1/2 inch off every time.

bequi said...

I think they tell you to trim your hair every 6 weeks, but that totally depends on the person. For instance, my hair doesn't get split ends very easily and it grows pretty evenly, so I get a trim or a cut every 6 months to a year. Just pay attention to your ends and if they start tangling way easily, then it's time for a trim. Good Luck! I think the Sophia curly hair is how I want mine next.

Mike n Julia said...

I think that everyone is different because everyone always says to trim it every 6 weeks and not to blow dry it and blah blah blah....but my hair grew the longest on my mission when i NEVER cut it the entire year and a half and i blow dried my hair (my hair did just fine)and now that i go and get my hair done regularly it never seems to grow...but don't ever trim it more than 1/4 of an inch!

SamuelT said...

HAha you crack me up! how is your color holding up? I like all of those pictures of what you want. long hair is very pretty but is also hard. it is almost like there is no style unless you curl it... but keep going you will make it! and ill be back in no time!