Monday, May 4, 2009

The sweet life of Kati and Jason

I find myself updating this blog every monday, either because I am bored at work on a monday, or we had an eventful weekend, either way, its updated! Everything in the Powell residence is going quite smoothly, no major catastrophes yet. But....
Jason and I have decided to consider moving to...TEXAS!!! Buying a house here in Utah just isnt working out, and it seems in the back of our minds(or the spirits promptings) that we aren't supposed to buy here. Jason absolutely loves texas, he served his mission there and has always wanted to go back to visit so we thought, why not go back to stay?! The housing market is so terrible there, a house here in utah that would cost 500K, in texas is under 200K. We could move there, buy a way nice house, live comfortably and I wouldn't have to work at all. I probably would cause I would get bored though! I would love to live outside Utah before our family gets older. I think when our oldest kid turns 6 it would be time to move back to Utah to settle down. But for now, an adventure it is for us!! We haven't made a decision yet, it largely depends on if he can get transferred. I will of course update you when new information becomes available!
Jason and I are planning 2 trips this year, hopefully, and we are very excited! Our friends Ben and Ashley live in Cedar city so we don't see them much, we see all of our other friends a bunch, so I was feeling like we need to make a visit to Cedar! so Ashley and I concocted a plan to go to VEGAS! It will be really fun, I am excited to ride the New York New York roller coaster again. Its also Ashley's birthday so I am making something special for her ;-) Then we are kind of planning a trip to Texas this fall to visit Jason's mission! We are going with Ben and Ashley( Jason and Ben were mission companions in the MTC) and are staying for a week. Jason used to talk about his mission all the time so it will be nice to put faces to the names. that is right around the time we are wanting to buy a house so it might not happen in the fall for us but we will see!
Other than that all is well and normal in our lives. Jason is working 7-7 these days while I am still 830-5 so I am all alone when I get home but it leaves me workout time and I know Jason loves his career so for now it works for us. The weather is going to 76 this saturday so you know what that means for us right? GOLF! We are planning on going golfing with my family and then going back to their house for sloppy joes! Oh I could not be more excited. Jason has gone golfing a lot and I haven't gone in almost a month! ah! wish me luck and have a great week!!


Whit said...

I live in Cedar too I would love to see you for a sec. Let me know when you come down. Good luck on making that big decision just follow what you believe is right.

Kati said...

awesome! We will have to get together for a late night soday or something the night we come down, right now it is set for may 15th so I will let you know!

bequi said...

Texas Shmexas! Don't leave!

And don't forget to blog about your latest adventure.