Monday, April 27, 2009

Update on this post.

1. house hunting. UGH! up until this point Jason and I have been pretty set on moving up north to an area called foxboro. we have been looking at this area for over a year now and we just love it up there. we put an offer on a house up there, that didnt work, we have recently started talking about building one, but that didn't seem to be what we felt we needed to do. Also we found out this weekend that my parents want to move to st george in 5 years so we no longer need to try and balance out our 2 families locations. SO, we are now looking for a house in the south salt lake area, murray. It wont be as nice as building one, but we are 22 and 24! kids our age don't need to do that. It will be nice to live so close to family when we have kids.

2 which brings me to the next subject, kids. I want to start a family, now. I have learned since that what I want isn't what matters, it truely is what the lord knows is right for us. I don't want to have a baby and not be able to afford to give it everything I want and not be able to afford to still go out with friends and on vacations and things. I know that waiting to start a family is the right thing to do and because I know that, I can be patient. I want to be able to buy everything I see that I want, and be able to stay at home with my child and not worry about bills, I want to have a family and not live paycheck to paycheck.

3 which brings me to the next subject, work. I really do love my job, its a great job, good pay and perfect hours. most of my paychecks go directly into savings. I don't need to work, I could stay home all day while Jason works and our bills would all still get paid, but by me working, we are building our savings so much which will only improve our lifestyle. Jason and I don't live paycheck to paycheck. When we first got married we did, only because we had 3k in debt from our honeymoon. we hurried and paid that off within 3 months and havent really had debt since, except of course his car and student loans. We aren't in any type of credit card debit, in fact we just got paid 250$ from our credit card just for using it. The only reason I don't want to work is because I want to have a baby, and since my realizations on that, I have no reason not to work.

4 my weight loss. for an update on that go here.

5 a Kitty will come with the house, nuff said.

6. seeing my family more. I think if we make an effort to see my family once a week, I will be happy. and I really need to start calling my mom just to talk and how things are going. I have this idea in my head that the only way I can visit with them and see how they are doing is if I see them.

Jason and I are doing lovely. We have truely never been happier. We are enjoying our newlywed life and couldn't ask for more. We are so grateful for the lords hand in everything we do, we have felt his guidance in each step that we take towards our future. I don't know how couples live through their marriage without regualar temple attendance, it is SO important. It is so crucial to living the gospel and to your marriage. we love it! hope everyone is well!


Angela said...

Glad to hear that things are going so well for you both!!!

bequi said...

Good job being patient. That's about the hardest thing ever. Especially when it comes to a house. You feel so ready and then it doesn't happen and doesn't happen and then one day, POOF! You're homeowners! Just remember that any house that doesn't work is for a reason. I've got a ton of stories I could tell you for proof.

Jenny said...

I'm hoping this will make you feel better about not getting a place in Foxboro: Danny and I actually considered living there, so Danny researched it (he researches EVERYTHING!). Turns out Foxboro is an unsafe distance from a medical waste dumping site (that may or may not still be in use. I can't remember. It's still dangerous though). And breathing in medical waste can have negative impacts on prenatal development (for when you're ready to have those kiddos). Most people don't know stuff like that since they don't go crazy with research like Danny does. It's still something to consider though. Hopefully it makes you feel a little bit better about not getting a house there?

Plus, Murray is a nice area. Hope this helps a little!