Friday, April 10, 2009


BLAH!! That is how I feel right now about the whole house stuff. We put an offer on the home listed below, we offered 20K less then what they were asking because that is what it would be appraised at, so why would be offer more then the house is worth? Well they responded with a counter offer of the full asking price! Retards. So we sent back a rejection, we aren't even going to bother with sending them a counter, its completely their loss. The problem with the market is this, people who bought their house in 2006-2007 bought their house at the WORST time. the inflation on house prices were at the highest point, meaning a house that was only worth 200K people were paying over 300K. Well when the market tanked in 2008 people wanted to sell their houses, their loans were for 300K but the house is only worth 200K! So the problem with our house was they owed 20K more than it was worth and they don't want to take a 20K loss, which is understandable, BUT, no one is going to pay asking price for that house so its gonna sit on the market, they are going to make the loan payment every month, until they lower the price. So FAREWELL to that house! We went out the neighborhood with our Realtor yesterday, looked at 5 houses and fell in love with 2. Jason and I are very against buying an expensive home just because we can afford it. We are approved for a lot more than we have set our budget to, but we don't believe in buying a big house just because we can. A lot of houses have like 2 living rooms, and I only need one! So we have chosen one, but I am not gonna post about it cause I don't want to Jinx it! Lets just say, its as big as the last house, its an actual house with backyard and front yard, has the cutest painted wall in the nursery, and has a HUGE kitchen. Its just as perfect as the last one and its cheaper! It is owned by a cute young mormon couple who have 3 kids and have just outgrown the house. They took WAY good care of it, way nice carpet, walls, the master bath is EXACTLY what we want. We are going have the parents walk through it like we did on the last one, work out our offer and then make an offer. We will see how this one goes!!!
We got very house happy yesterday and we went to Ikea! We already found nightstands that I want at Michaels that are going to be 20$ each with my wonderful coupons! at Ikea we found a TV shelving unit that we like, similar to the picture shown, and some floating shelves that I want. The only other thing I want is Carpet and a Dining room table to match our new chairs. I don't want to get the table at Ikea though. Any ideas on where to get a cheaper but nice dining room table?!

1 comment:

bequi said...

There's all those new furniture stores right next to Ikea. You should check them out.