Friday, July 24, 2009

good news and funny stories

Ready for the funny story?


So I get home the other day, and go to the bathroom. I decided to multi task and brush my hair at the same time. Weird I know. as I am brushing my hair I feel something fall, hit my leg, and fall in the toilet.

What was that?

so I look.

wanna know what it was?

Part of my wedding ring!!


So I realize its the bottom support piece to my bucket that holds like 25 of my diamonds, great support piece huh? anyway, I call Jared's and this is how the conversation goes.

Lady: this is Jareds blah blah blah
Me: hi, you are about to hear the dumbest question you have ever heard. ready?
Lady: HA HAH HA!!! ok I am ready.
Me: a piece of my ring fell off into my toilet full of urine and I need to know if you need me to get it out, or if you can just get a new piece so I dont have to put my hand in my own waste.
Lady: ah ha ha ha!!!
Me: ....
Lady: HA HA HA HA!!!
Me: ......
Lady: um, ha ha ha, I think you can go ahead and flush, we should be able to find something to replace it with, ahahahhaa!!!!!
Me: WHEW!! thanks.
Lady: ha ha ha yep, just come on in.
Me: Ok thanks!!

As I go to hang up my phone I can hear her STILL laughing.

honestly though, who wouldn't?

I will let you know the outcome of the situation.


They do not have the piece to my ring, and they probably can not order it.


Which means they will have to replace my ring.

Which means it wont be THE ring.

THE ring I picked out.
THE ring we had custom altered so it was 1 of a kind.
THE ring he proposed with.
THE ring we took all 3 of our engagement sessions with.
THE ring I spent 8 months adoring.
THE ring that sat in a little white box on Oct 18th in the temple waiting to be put on my finger.
THE ring that is in all my wedding photos.
THE ring that I have NEVER lost!
It won't be THE ring. It will be A ring.

A ring.

Not THE ring.


Caitlin said...

katie- that was a funny story sad, but way funny i would have been crying from laughing so hard if i were that lady though! but im sorry! it not being THE ring would be hard! i would wanna cry! but it will be okay! you still have the pics of it and could you still keep what you have of the ring?! oh and congrats on the new job! that sounds like a lot of fun!

bequi said...

That really truly seriously BITES. I'm so sorry. :(

Heather said...

Oh no!!!! I am so sad for you!

brooklyn said...

1. that sounds like an awesome job
2. that is one of the funniest stories ever.
3. so sad about your ring!

Angela said...

Congrats on the new job!! That's absolutely amazing!!! Yay for dream jobs, and being able to do what you love!!!

I am sorry to hear about the ring situation! That really stinks, but if nothing else helps, you got the best part that was tagged to the ring... JASON... FOR TIME AND ALL ETERNITY!!!

Andrew & Angel Bitter said...

Congrats on your new job, its great to have a job that you enjoy. I am so sorry about your rind I would be sad too!