Thursday, November 26, 2009


I believe in being thankful, for everything.

even the negatives things in my life. because if they don't make me stronger, at least they are an example to me of what not to do, or who to be.

I of course, am thankful for my husband. For all that he is, and all that he has taught me to be.

I am thankful for my family, for being my friends.

and I am thankful for my friends, for being my family.

I am thankful that I have grown up, become the person I wanted to be, and to not let others try and get me down.

I choose to be happy. I choose to let things go. I choose to live everyday with a smile on my face because if there is one thing I have learned in my life, its that you choose how you feel.

no one else can make you mad.
no one else can make you offended.
no one else can make your feelings hurt.

you choose how you feel.
you can make the choice, to be happy despite your circumstances or others around you.

and I know that.

and I grateful that I have learned that, because I know some grown ups that don't know that.

I am grateful for all my blogger friends. I love you guys, and your blogs. :-)

I am grateful for my savior, for standing by my side daily and for whispering sweet truths in my ear.

I love him.

I am so eternally grateful for my young women. For the amazing women they are, and the best friends I have developed in them.

I am grateful that the lord let me know when I was 15, that these young women would come into my life, and that I would be responsible for teaching them.

I was prepared.

I am grateful for every decision I have made in my life, for they have brought me to where I am now. Because I oh so love where I am now.

I love the balance I have in my life.
I love the serenity in my life.
I love the perspective in my life.
I love that I am connected deeply with my mind, body and spirit.
It makes life so much easier.

I love my parents, and my sisters.
I love my husbands parents, and his brothers.
I have the perfect immediate family.

I especially love that I have mastered the art of taking care of my body. I love that I am strong enough to do it, and maintain it.

I love that I will soon help others do that as well.

very soon. :-)

I am grateful for baths. I am happy when I am in the bath. soooo very happy. :-)

Monday, November 23, 2009

a few rules...

There are a few commandments I feel we need to talk about. the 10 commandments, of the elevator to be exact.

1.Thou shalt not fart.

2.Thou shalt not attempt to board elevator before previous passengers have disembarked. The universe does not revolve around you.

3.Thou shalt not press button for wrong floor without acting appropriately ashamed as elevator stops and doors open then shut without anyone leaving.

4.Thou shall take the stairs if traveling between one or two floors, barring personal injury, lest incur the wrath of those traveling to the 32nd floor whose trips are delayed due to your laziness. (Justifying taking the elevator one floor because "they don't know if I'm sick--I could have some horrible disease, for all they know" is a supreme form of laziness, and using this logic risks incurring said horrible disease in the interest of serving you right. Certainly, some otherwise healthy-looking people have problems preventing them from using stairs, but surely not everyone in the building is afflicted with such illnesses.)

5.Thou shall hold the door for others running to catch the carriage. A plague on those who watch idly by as they slide shut in someone’s face.

6.However, thou shalt not hold the door indefinitely and delay travel for other passengers. In a busy building, one could potentially hold the door for several minutes waiting for the carriage to fill. Unless someone is clearly attempting to catch that particular elevator, adopt the adage “thy snoozes, thy loses.”

7.Thou shall wait for empty carriage if thou is sick. If that proves impossible, thou shall refrain from coughing/sneezing/etc. for duration of ride, even if this means thou’s face turns bright red and thou feels like dying.

8.Thou shall give others their personal space in an uncrowded elevator.

9.Thou shalt not call out their floor to the person standing nearest the buttons as if that person is the lift operator. If there is space to do so, thou shalt press button thyself.

10.Thou shalt not carry on personal conversations, be they person-to-person or via cellular phone. Thine elevator is not thine phone booth.


now that thats over, lets talk about Wal-Mart etiquette.


lets not be stupid here.

If the door is CLEARLY labeled, entrance and exit, WTF? why are you going out the entrance and in the exit? I surely don't see you entering the freeway on the exit ramp, same concepts apply. Its there to create order.

follow it.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, maybe 11 or even 12.
but if you have 35 items, get your butt out of the 10 items or less line. I can not tell you how annoying it is to get the fast lane with my bag of shredded cheese and have to wait for someone to check out who has a cart full of crap.

get out of my way, now.

Side not, I ALWAYS comment to those people telling them to count. always.

now, please treat the isles as though they were roads. Stay to the right. do not block the whole isle by leaving your cart in the middle.

If you are coming out of some random A isle like greeting cards or plumbing, DO NOT just burst out into the main isle like you have right of way. Right turners yield to traffice and left turners wait your dang turn.

DO NOT go to self checkout if you have 50 items and 20 of them are fruit that needs to be weighed. YOU ARE NOT FASTER THEN A CASHIER and you are simply wasting everyones time. go to the regular lanes, pick up an US! magazine and read the latest on Jon and Kate plus 8.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Saturday is a special day...wait sunday is....

Today was glorious.

We go to the Marriage and Family Relations Sunday school class in our ward, and I for one, love it.
basically its all the newlyweds in the ward talking about marriage and how to have a better marriage. Its way nice to know that other newlyweds have had to learn the same stuff we have.

Then we came home from church and did the best thing ever.

We cleaned.


and my sweet dear husband agree'd to clean like this.

Oh it was soooo nice. We cleaned every tiny square inch of our place, we moved the couch pieces, 409'd and vacuumed under it(yes I 409 my couch), seriously just spick and span cleaned every little nook and crannie.

and it feels gooooood.

Then my sweet husband let me assemble our Christmas tree!!!

Then it started snowing!!!!!!

I know its not Thanksgiving yet, but if the mall can put up their decorations, so can I.

For dinner my husband made my favorite Mothers home cooked meal, fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, with rolls. Fried chicken with olive oil, and wheat bread crumbs mind you.

We rearranged our couch pieces also and I think its better this way. It closes off our living room now and makes social events more comfortable.

I know you are supposed to clean and get ready for Sunday, on Saturday, but today, for my husband and I, it really brought us closer together. :-)

After our Sunday School lesson that inspired us to have a better marriage, this was just what we needed. to work hard, to clean the place we worked so little to mess up.


I love that my husband pulls his weight with the house chores. With us it really is shared equally.

100% + 100% in a marriage = 100%

We don't each give 50% to get 100%, we both give 100% and oh its so great.

Today I am so grateful for my husband and the marriage we have worked so hard to make so great.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Do you ever feel like your life is paused for a moment?
Like you have all these great ideas and goals, but there is nothing you can do about it right now?
You have a plan, you have goals, everything is set but now you just have to wait.






Jason and I are at a point where we have big decisions to make but are just having a hard time with it. We will make a decision one week, and then the next week choose an entirely different one and its usually based on our moods.

Which is not what you should base decisions on.

I think a part of me is just really scared to choose one or the other.

what if what I prefer isn't what he prefers so then he isn't happy with the choice, or vice versa.

I know I am an impatient person, but I am just getting really impatient.

with alot of things, but mostly I am impatient with myself for not being more patient.

and thats a hard thing to get over.

I think I am also becoming a different type of person than I used to be, and I don't know if its a good thing.

I used to tell people exactly what I thought, all the time, because I thought honesty was the best policy, always. But now I find myself afraid to tell certain people things because I don't want to cause problems, or hurt feelings.

At first it was fine because it wasnt a big deal, but I think I may feel like now I am not able to express myself, my concerns or my feelings because I don't know how others may take it.

I feel in a funk.

I need some sort of change, or something different to happen. I just don't know what.

so for now, I wait.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Sometimes a picture just says it so much better.

and dare I say it, my husband still gets me all twitter-patted.

heres to my perfectly priceless adorable marriage. :-)

Monday, November 9, 2009

my girls.

Want to know who I love?

With all my tiny little heart?

(Besides my ooper duper cute husband)

I love, adore, admire and look up to my young women.

Each of them.

I share in their joys, am humbled by their sweet testimonies, cry with their pain and laugh with their outrageous sense of humor.

I am so overprotective of each of them, I feel enraged whenever they aren't being treat as the beautiful, radiant and delicate daughters of God that they are.

I want so much to share every detail of my young adult life with them in hopes it will keep them from making wrong decisions, but know that each of them need to learn for themselves, by their own mistakes, just as I did.

Young Womens has become such an important, meaningful spiritual part in my life.

One I will not ever give up easily.

oh how I love them.
Oh how their heavenly father loves them.

Oh if they only knew.

Monday, November 2, 2009

my saving grace.

can we just talk about how I LOVE 409 cleaner?

Jason: cleaning means picking up dishes, putting things away and throwing away garbage.
Me: that is just the first part of cleaning, the REAL cleaning comes after everything is put away, and the 409 comes outs. AH. I clean the counters, floors, baseboards, corners, crevices, toilet, tub, sinks etc. I dust the tvs, pictures and dressers. Vacuum, sweep, mop. Once a month I steam clean the carpets so they are clean and fluffy. do laundry once a week or as a load becomes ready. every other week I wash all the rugs in our place, and once a month I clean my car including new air freshner, garbage, and dusting. thats right, I dust my car.

Is that weird?
Some times it gets overwhelming, but seriously, when I have a place that is SO clean and cozy it just makes it all so so worth it.

because of that, I LOOOVE my 409.

I couldn't do it without you 409.

Don't ever leave me.