Thursday, November 26, 2009


I believe in being thankful, for everything.

even the negatives things in my life. because if they don't make me stronger, at least they are an example to me of what not to do, or who to be.

I of course, am thankful for my husband. For all that he is, and all that he has taught me to be.

I am thankful for my family, for being my friends.

and I am thankful for my friends, for being my family.

I am thankful that I have grown up, become the person I wanted to be, and to not let others try and get me down.

I choose to be happy. I choose to let things go. I choose to live everyday with a smile on my face because if there is one thing I have learned in my life, its that you choose how you feel.

no one else can make you mad.
no one else can make you offended.
no one else can make your feelings hurt.

you choose how you feel.
you can make the choice, to be happy despite your circumstances or others around you.

and I know that.

and I grateful that I have learned that, because I know some grown ups that don't know that.

I am grateful for all my blogger friends. I love you guys, and your blogs. :-)

I am grateful for my savior, for standing by my side daily and for whispering sweet truths in my ear.

I love him.

I am so eternally grateful for my young women. For the amazing women they are, and the best friends I have developed in them.

I am grateful that the lord let me know when I was 15, that these young women would come into my life, and that I would be responsible for teaching them.

I was prepared.

I am grateful for every decision I have made in my life, for they have brought me to where I am now. Because I oh so love where I am now.

I love the balance I have in my life.
I love the serenity in my life.
I love the perspective in my life.
I love that I am connected deeply with my mind, body and spirit.
It makes life so much easier.

I love my parents, and my sisters.
I love my husbands parents, and his brothers.
I have the perfect immediate family.

I especially love that I have mastered the art of taking care of my body. I love that I am strong enough to do it, and maintain it.

I love that I will soon help others do that as well.

very soon. :-)

I am grateful for baths. I am happy when I am in the bath. soooo very happy. :-)

1 comment:

It's said...

Love the thankful thoughts. I too love baths, I just wish they were more comfortable right now. ha ha