Sunday, November 15, 2009


Do you ever feel like your life is paused for a moment?
Like you have all these great ideas and goals, but there is nothing you can do about it right now?
You have a plan, you have goals, everything is set but now you just have to wait.






Jason and I are at a point where we have big decisions to make but are just having a hard time with it. We will make a decision one week, and then the next week choose an entirely different one and its usually based on our moods.

Which is not what you should base decisions on.

I think a part of me is just really scared to choose one or the other.

what if what I prefer isn't what he prefers so then he isn't happy with the choice, or vice versa.

I know I am an impatient person, but I am just getting really impatient.

with alot of things, but mostly I am impatient with myself for not being more patient.

and thats a hard thing to get over.

I think I am also becoming a different type of person than I used to be, and I don't know if its a good thing.

I used to tell people exactly what I thought, all the time, because I thought honesty was the best policy, always. But now I find myself afraid to tell certain people things because I don't want to cause problems, or hurt feelings.

At first it was fine because it wasnt a big deal, but I think I may feel like now I am not able to express myself, my concerns or my feelings because I don't know how others may take it.

I feel in a funk.

I need some sort of change, or something different to happen. I just don't know what.

so for now, I wait.

1 comment:

bequi said...

For what it's worth, censoring yourself to not hurt peoples' feelings is a good thing. It means you're growing up. ;) The next step is to learn tact, so you can still tell people what you think, but nicely. I'm still working on that one.

I'm sure you guys will make the right choices for your little family, but I agree. The waiting sucks.