Saturday, April 10, 2010

I made it!

I have started like 3 different posts in an effort to update my blog, and have failed at them all.
I am in a blogging slump. :)
I don't feel like I have much to blog about, but I always get super annoyed when people don't update their blogs. Cause I like to read them. :)
So here is my last attempt.

Jason and I ventured off to the Bountiful Temple today and it was lovely. It was much needed. Although I did get my temple stuff stolen, temporarily. I put it down in the bathroom on the shelf they provide and when I went to get it, it was gone! Someone took it thinking it was theirs, and then after my session got out, the temple workers had found it for me. :)

We also bought seeds to do some gardening. Today we just got flower seeds, but I think thats the prettiest part. We will see how it goes, they need to get planted like right now in order to bloom in time.

I still love my house. It has been almost 2 months and Jason and I have not had one bit of buyers remorse. If there is something we don't like about the house, we change it. Cause we can!

We eat out, a lot. lol its getting ridiculous. We just don't feel like cooking, or one of us is craving something. Its been fun, but it means I need to go to the gym a lot more then I currently do. sigh.

OH! I started my food storage! Food storage in and of itself is not exciting, at all. In fact its kind of annoying spending 20$ on a canister of dried food you have no intentions of consuming anytime soon, but its a really comforting feeling know that you are doing what the prophet has instructed us all to do. I don't have to sit through meetings or conference feeling guilty anytime they talk about food storage. We started out small, of course. There are 2 kinds of food storage. The first kind is the canister dried food that last 15 years kind. But the second is just having a year supply of basic foods that you eat all the time, and rotating them out. Like boxes of hamburger helper. :) I love the stuff, so every time I am at the store, I buy 4 packs, whether I need them or not. So gradually my food storage is getting bigger. Canned foods are good to do that with, banana chips, mmmm those are good and last 2 years.

wow, what I dork I am.

Well, nothing else new here.
Our brother and sister-in-law are adopting their first baby and we are super excited for them! Its a boy, I am sure pictures of him will come when he is born, sometime in May.

Happy Spring everyone!

1 comment:

bequi said...

I TOTALLY stock up at case lot sales. We have about a million cans of diced tomatoes and boxes of pancake mix, but we go through them like there's no tomorrow. YEAH FOR FOOD STORAGE!