Friday, July 30, 2010

in 8 months

I am a new mommy. So this is all very new to me. Its weird to try and think about how to explain how it feels.

when I walk up the stairs in my house to my room, I pass the soon to be nursery, I get chills. Just thinking about how in 8 months, a baby will occupy that space, is surreal.

When I am in my car and I look in the rear view mirror, its crazy to think that in 8 months there will be an infant car seat strapped in that will cause me to go 5 miles under the speed limit and scowl anyone going over.

When I look at my clean house, I realize in 8 months it probably wont be as clean.

When I plan my sunbeams lesson, I think what are we going to do when the baby comes? take it with us? get a new calling?

When I pick out a shirt to wear in the morning I think how many of my shirts are going to make it to be maternity shirts soon.

When I have nothing to do, I think about how when those moments come up in 8 months, I will have something to love and hold instead.

When Jason and I go on walks at night, I think who will push the stroller, him or I?

When I am at the grocery store I feel like I need to practice not putting items in the little seat part, because in 8 months an infant car seat will go there.

I think about doing all my craft projects and getting things ready for the nursery, but realize I need to wear a mask to spray paint and use non toxic paint.

When I eat, I wonder if what I am eating is good or bad for the baby.

When we drive past the Murray hospital I spend at least 5 minutes contemplating the delivery day and what it will be like.

When I kiss Jason good bye, I think in 8 months I will be doing this with a baby in my arms.

When we pray, in the morning, dinner and night, I think soon this will involve our baby, that we will need to teach these gospel principles to, and never waiver.

When I go to the temple, I think about if my temple dress with still fit when I am 9 months pregnant. I also think about how wonderful it is that I get to take my baby with me into the temple, for these short 8 months.

When I see my mom, I have a new found respect and admiration for how much she loves her children.

There really isn't much that I do, that doesn't involve some current or future thought about our wee one.

This is what our wee one resembles right now.

(PS. Which picture is a better graphic? I like the second one because it puts it to scale.)

The weirdest part about all of this, is when I think about the actually baby. Its there, it has a gender, a body, everything about it is decided. It is half me and half Jason. When I used to think about our kids it was a general thought about what they may or may not look like, and now its surreal because it already is decided. I have 1 child. It gets weirder by the day. :)

I was told that before you choose a baby name, you have to choose a fetus name. lol. So we call the fetus our wee one. I can't wait until our wee one gets here.

I am 5 weeks along, and have 8 months to go. But really, the countdown is by weeks. Each week I can't wait for the next week so I can google and research what the development looks like now. I have 35 weeks to go. It seems like such a short time period, but geeze its all the way into next year. This is our last Christmas to spoil ourselves. and the next Mother's Day and Father's Day, well we will be a mother and a father. :) chilling. Exciting. Perfect.

I need to make a look-forward-to-list of events to look forward to in order to not go crazy!
my next even is camping, we leave on 8/7 and come back 8/14 at which time I will be starting my 8th week. (wow that seems so quick!)

Next it would be our anniversary, 10/18 which is 79 days away, at which time I will be 17 weeks.
ugh this is too much, I am done. :) I will start again when we get to Halloween. lol


Angela said...

Thank you for sharing those thoughts!! They actually make me tear up as they are all wonderful! Your wee one will be beautiful/handsome! He/she will be strong!

Oh - I can't wait until the day comes that Brandon and I decided to start a family. It seems like it's the only thing on my mind right now, and he just gives me these looks of "again". LOL!

Whit said...

I love that you have a fetus name for your baby we did too his name was peanut :)

It's said...

We called Oliver wee one too. If you go to what to and the and sign up for their emails they will email you every week and tell you how big they are what they might look like, what they're developing and other tips

bequi said...

You're so funny, I never was this attached to a fetus. Hahaha! Our fetus name was "it." I never thought about the baby when I ate, I just ate what sounded appetizing.

Anyway, you're adorable.