Monday, August 2, 2010

This weekend was busy!
I really feel like I didn't get any rest, at all.
Friday Jason and I went to Babies'R'Us, for fun.
Saturday, my little sister Hollie went through the temple for the first time. So early Saturday I went to my parents house to pack her bag, and get everything ready for here. Then we went to the Hitlon Garden Inn in Sandy to check in(more on why in a minute), met up with our family for dinner around 5. Then rushed to the Timpanogis Temple to get there by 730 for the 8 session. Then back to the hotel.
We stayed at a hotel out there because at 9 am the next morning we had to be in West Jordan because my dad is now the Commander of his unit in the Army, so we went to the change of command ceremony. Then we came home, Jason and I, and took a long Sunday nap, then back to my family's house for dinner.
sigh. Busy.
It was a really neat experience though for my little sister to go through. I was excited because when I got into the endowment room, no one had sat by her on the front row yet, so I got to sit by her for the session.
And of course, I love going to the temple cause I get to take my wee one with me. It was fun to sit next to my husband in the celestial room, and know that our wee one was there, literally, with us. Nothing is cooler than that, yet. ;)

1 comment:

bequi said...

I thought Hollie was, like, 15!