Friday, August 27, 2010


I have the best friends.
and I have no idea where they came from!!
lol. There are people from my high school, who in high school I had nothing to do with, or even didn't like, that are now awesome friends of mine and are really just the best.
I have a friend, that I worked with years ago, that was so different from me then, and still different from me now, but has become such a wonderful friend and role model.
I had a surreal realization last night.
This pregnancy, has been interesting, and at times tough. Its nothing I would trade for anything, but its also changes I have never experienced and am not used to.
I promised myself I wouldnt complain about anything, but I also need to talk to others who have gone through it, to help me understand it.
Yesterday I was talking with a friend of mine who I haven't spoken to in years really, and was explaining the hard things about being pregnant and she said the most chilling thing, that I didn't even realize the gravity of it until I was laying in bed last night.
She said,
"Everytime it gets rough, just remember you're assisting Heavenly Father in a miracle!"
At first I didn't really think anything of that comment, because I have noticed a lot of people of typical things they say to try and make others feel better. But this comment, hit me differently than others, and it felt real.
I have been trying to understand what is going on inside my body, what my little one is doing, reading and researching to know exactly why things are happening and how, when it dawned on me, what is going on inside me, is nothing less than a miracle, and its something I may never understand. I actually started crying last night (which is no recent surprise) when I put it into perspective, that I am assisting Heavenly Father in one of his many miracles. I am working closely with Heavenly Father to create and develop this precious child, to do many mighty things. When I have my symptoms and things from being pregnant, I know, that Heavenly Father is currently working a miracle inside me, and that, is so wonderful to be able to feel. I can FEEL his miracle!
It was after all just last night all this happened, but it immediately changed my outlook on what is going on. I no longer(at least as of today) think of this pregnancy as something that is happening to me, but something that is happening with me.
I was grateful to get pregnant. I am now so much more grateful and humbled to be able to carry such a precious tool to my Heavenly Father. I am humbled that he trusts me to do this.
I am so emotional lol, but am so happy this morning.
And thank you, to my special friends who help me with tender moments like this. :)

1 comment:

Angela said...

You are absolutely amazing! Just saying.