Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Week 7

Week 7, crossed off.
(on Thursday, I tend to do this post a day early, it all evens out.)

Lets see. Week 7 brought weird new symptoms. The first is burping. I burp like crazy, all the time, at least a couple times an hour. Its weird because there is no substance to it.
The cramps have gotten more frequent and worse. This morning at like 2 am, I woke up to intense cramps and had to get in the bath. the Dr said its perfectly normal as my uterus stretches and grows. He also said the uterus stretches and grows usually when the baby is awake because its already moving around, so I know that when I am cramping, my baby is awake. :) I wish she would sleep when I do though.
The nausea has set in, and its weird. I am not throwing up, but just the sight or smell of some foods send me over the edge and I need to lay down, and it varies from day to day which food it is.

Week 7 also brought another ultra sound!!! My Dr is super excited for me and wants to ease my mind about everything, so he lets me do ultra sounds a lot. :D can't complain.

So here is our little one! On the screen while it was moving, it totally looked like a gummy bear. We saw the heart beat, and I think it will be cool to hear it, but its emotional just to SEE the heart beating. It was a total surprise to see the baby. The radiologist told me we were just going to see two sacs, and a flicker of a heart beat. So when the baby popped up it was so cool! Like it came out to say hello. I will never get tired of ultra sounds, and I will take advantage of any chance I get to have one. It was so surreal to see the ultra sound today, to see the difference 1 1/2 weeks made, how much the baby has grown and developed.

I had my first "official" pregnancy appointment, where he told me all the dos and donts, and gave me a bag of goodies. I like my Dr, I don't love him, but so far I like him. I have an appointment in a week or two with a midwife also, because my insurance covers it so why not? The midwife helps you through labor and life, and not just the medical part of it like the Dr does. I think it will be nice.

I gained 2 lbs. Eeeks. I am not supposed to be gaining weight yet, so I am going to have to get it in gear. Don't worry, I am going to follow my heart rate restrictions the Dr gave me, but I shouldn't be gaining weight until like month 3-4 and I am about to finish month 2.

So far, I love being pregnant. Its not the most comfortable at times, and sometimes its down right painful, but when you think about what is going on inside your body, its amazing, and all worth it.

The more the weeks tend to be the same, I will probably stop doing a weekly post, unless there is something different to post about.


Brittany Anne said...

congratulations to you too!! how exciting! don't you love seeing the ultrasound and seeing the heartbeat. i love it.
send me your email and i'll invite you to my weight blog, if you're interested.

bequi said...

I had that cramping with Sarah, but not this pregnancy. My doctor said it was probably ligaments stretching.

As for the weight gain, you need to calm down! As long as you're being healthy about your food choices and getting a little exercise, it's ok! And actually, you're supposed to gain about a pound a month for the first couple months, then it gets more rapid. So really, you're right on schedule.