Monday, September 26, 2011

General Conference

As we prepare for General Conference I was reflecting on the last session of General Conference, and I remembered how much I loved one of the talks.
If you have a minute you should go read it, rather listen to it, it can get a little confusing with his wording.

" as a parent, when can I check a child off my list as done? We are never done being good parents. And to be good parents, one of the most important things we can teach our children is how to be more like the Savior."

There are a lot of passages from it that I like, but its more powerful if they are in context. I loved this talk because its one of the few that I felt actually told you how to parent, instead of giving guidelines, ideas, feelings, etc. I felt so much more prepared to have my first child after hearing this talk, and Henry came 3 days later. :)

Happy Conference everyone.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


my gorgeous friend Brittany, did something that made so much sense to me. she unplugged. you can read about it here.
I have always wanted to do something like that, but Jason's not really into that kind of thing. weirdo.
Sundays would be a great day to do that, but I also think I will try doing it during the week sometime. I think a tech free day for reflection and growth in the middle of the week would do me some good. She is calling her days unplugged, I am going to call mine tuning out to tune in. Meaning, tuning out the worldly things, TV, Facebook(eeks), blogs, internet, etc. to tune in to myself, my child, and the spirit.
Do it with me, I have no doubt that only good can from it.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

152 days old

My little guy turned 5 months old yesterday.
I can safely say we are not one of the parents that are upset their baby is growing up.
we have the best, cutest baby ever, but we still have realized we are not really baby people.
Henry is much more fun and easy now that he can be content playing by himself or just hanging out around us.
He laughs all the time, he looooves people, he is such an outgoing baby, and most of all he absolutely adores his dad. He gets so happy whenever he sees Jason and Jason can make him laugh hysterically. its so sweet.

He loves to stand, he just wants to stand all the time and he is getting pretty good at doing it on his own while holding something besides us.

He is also learning to sit, even though he hates it. He would much prefer to stand.
Jason is great at getting him to laugh and smile when I want to take pictures. :)

We have decided to stop trying to get him to roll from his stomach to his back. He just has no interest in it, and I kind of feel like he is going to skip crawling. He just loves to stand and it just makes sense that since he wants to stand all the time, it will eventually lead to walking.
so whatever.
Go with your own flow, Henry!

and Yes, he has a big head. 103%. and I love it.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

almost 5 months!

Henry's such a sweet little guy. thats what everyone says. :)
Henry is doing REALLY well these days. He was sick for about 2 weeks, I slept on his nursery floor everynight, and we were constantly clearing his nose. Since then he is doing a lot better though. He is back to sleeping in his crib at night, he falls asleep on his own, doesn't need a bottle, and usually sleeps through the night. We are back on a babywise schedule which has been nice. He only eats 4 times a day now, but bigger amounts and with rice in his formula. 
He has no interest in anything having to do with being on his tummy. He LOOOVES standing, however. I suspect he will walk before he crawls. 

He still loves his daddy a ton. Smiles any time he can see Jason and he will just stare at him. I love the way Henry looks at Jason. 

I started going to the gym regularly now, and Henry goes to the daycare there. I was REALLY nervous about it at first, but I went in and took a look around, asked questions etc. All the workers there are moms themselves, so I feel 10 times better right there. Henry's first day he laughed and played, and fell asleep which means he was fine being there. I like him being in the daycare more than a babysitters, because if he needs me or I just wanna check on him, I can be there in 60 seconds. so I think its gonna work out good. :)