Wednesday, September 21, 2011


my gorgeous friend Brittany, did something that made so much sense to me. she unplugged. you can read about it here.
I have always wanted to do something like that, but Jason's not really into that kind of thing. weirdo.
Sundays would be a great day to do that, but I also think I will try doing it during the week sometime. I think a tech free day for reflection and growth in the middle of the week would do me some good. She is calling her days unplugged, I am going to call mine tuning out to tune in. Meaning, tuning out the worldly things, TV, Facebook(eeks), blogs, internet, etc. to tune in to myself, my child, and the spirit.
Do it with me, I have no doubt that only good can from it.

1 comment:

Brittany Anne said...

aw, love this. i like tuning out to tune in, better than what i came up with! :) i kept thinking it sounded like i was just going to listen to acoustic music all day with the unplugged. ha.