Friday, July 13, 2012

My and Charlie's journey to his first week of life, and why I quit breastfeeding

Before I begin this post I want to start with thanking EVERYONE for your advice and support in the last week about breastfeeding. 
I have decided to not breastfeed, or pump, and I am happy with the attempt I made. 
In the hospital every nurse helped me, and the lactation specialist. I left the hospital sorta kinda good with breastfeeding, after 5 mins of work I could get Charlie to latch, I had to relatch him several times, and there was no milk, so it was kinda pointless. I cant remember what all happened in what order, but I tried latching him on my own, my milk hadnt come in, by the time it had we had already supplemented with a bottle to make sure he was eating, so he then had no interest in the nipple, so I tried the nipple shield, worked once, but with my milk once the nipple shield filled with milk, he had to suck harder to get more out and he didnt like that. So then I decided to just pump and feed him with a bottle. Here is the issue I had with that. It is EXTREMELY time consuming. When Charlie came, next to his safe arrival, the most important thing to me what Henry. Making sure he knows he is loved, cherished, adored, and happy. That means I wanted every single free second I had, to go to him. Not the pump. Even if the pump was for Charlie, it wasnt important to Charlie, like my attention is to Henry. 

I was also MISERABLE. People kept telling me it could take over a month to get the hang of it, and I only planned on BF for 6-8 weeks, so to be miserable for a month, for the last two weeks to be good, was completely stupid. Looking back(as if it was that long ago lol) I can see that I was depressed. I wasnt happy, I didnt feel like anyone else in my family was happy, and I didnt feel like any aspect of breastfeeding was right for us. The thought of Jason going back to work absolutely terrified me, because I still didnt even know how I was going to feed Charlie. I understand now that what I went through is probably pretty common when learning to BF and getting the hang of it, but that doesnt mean it was worth to me. It just wasnt. 

So with that, I decided to stop it all together and switch to formula. I dont feel ashamed, or like Charlie isnt getting what is best. Formula is just best in our family, was for Henry too, for lots of reasons. Jason gets to bond with them, I can KNOW for certain what they are getting, they stay fuller longer, its easier to leave him with others, and it doesnt make me emotional or hormonal. 

So no, I am not breastfeeding anymore, and honestly, I dont think I will try again if we have another child. I dont see it going any different than it has before, and its not worth it to me anymore to even try. 

I am currently trying to get rid of my milk supply, and that is sooo painful. not to mention I hate waking up in a pool of breast milk. So any advice or tips you can offer in THAT category would be greatly appreciated. :) 

1 comment:

Megan said...

My cousin put cabbage leaves (fresh) on her breasts to stop her milk.

I also know using Peppermint oil will dry up your milk supply.

I'm sorry you had a rough time. I'm glad you made the decision that is right for YOUR family. :)