Monday, January 5, 2009

The funniest story ever!

ok this is my 2nd post for today but you will love it! alright so i have been told that i HAVE to blog my latest kati story. my story begins late tuesday afternoon, i had spent all morning cleaning our front room and kitchen. the last step in the kitchen was to clean the stove. Well lucky for me my stove is a SELF CLEANING stove! YAY! right? NO.

So I turn the self cleaning button on, it says its cleaning and that I need to lock the oven door. So I flip the switch and its locked. YAY! So I leave it alone and proceed to clean the front room. I am going to town on it when I notice a smell similar to smoke.

"Smoke? why do I smell smoke?" I thought to myself.

So I looked over at the oven and there is smoke creeping out of it! So I thought to myself,"self? is that normal?" I decide that there is really no harm in it other then it smells which if it cleans my stove, I can handle. back to cleaning the front room. Well 5 minutes later it REALLY smells. So I look back at the stove and there is a FLAME INSIDE!!! like the inside of my stove is on FIRE!

"now thats NOT normal." I think.

But I decided I need a second opinion. who should I call I think to myself. Well who better to call? So i grab my cell and enter 9-1-1 Send. my phone immediately sends my GPS location and soon there is a 911 operator on my line.
"whats your emergency do you need Fire Ambulance or police?" She asked.
"um, fire I guess?" I replied.
"1234 well wood rd correct?" she confirms.
"um, yay but I just has a ques-" I mutter.
"Ma'am evacuate your building." She demands.
" EVACUATE MY BUILDING?! awkward I have never met my neighbors..." I inform.
"MA"AM, evacuated your buidling." she again firmly demands.

So I grab some shoes, and run all through out my building knocking on doors telling people to get out. luckily for me there werent many people home, just housewives. the operator tells me to get as far away as possible. at this point I realize my simple just asking a question is no longer a question. So 2 seconds after I get outside, a Midvale cop car comes racing around the corner. Awkward. So they come up to me and I say-
" I am so sorry, I was just letting my oven self clean itself and it caught on fire on the inside, is that normal?"
the cop proceeds to tell me that he doesnt think its normal but that a fire truck was on its way and would be able to be of further assistance. So the 2 cops and I just shoot the breeze. Well in the midst of telling them what i got for christmas we hear fire sirens around the block. Oh good they are almost here. well after a couple of minutes of hearing the sirens, we wonder why we havent seen the cop radios to them. come to find out, they got STUCK! the roads in my apartment complex are full of 90 degree turns and they werent wide enough for the fire truck. So the cop tells me that if a fire truck hasnt arrived on scene within 5 mins its POLICY to have them send another one... SERIOUS? all i needed was an answer to my question... they didnt care. so soon we can hear the sirens of the SECOND fire truck. oh good. its on the other side of the first one. well minutes go by and it doesnt arrive...ITS STUCK TOO!! so they send a THIRD FIRE TRUCK! ARE YOU FOR REALS?!?! well the fire trucks werent able to get there in time so the operator dispatched an ambulance!! the problem is that my apartments sit right on the border of midvale sandy and murray. go figure. So when the call when over the CB radio all 3 counties responded!!! the fire trucks finally decided to run over the apartment landscaping. oopsies. when everyone arrived there were 3 fire trucks, 3 ambulances, and 6 cop cars. dude.
So the fire captain comes over to me and I again explain what I did and I ask if thats normal when all of a sudden a little tiny golf cart comes around the corner, its my apartment Matienence crew. good hannah. the guy comes over asks what happen, I again ask if its normal for the stove to catch fire to which he replies,-
"oh yeah! they do that all the time!"
"really?" I said
"oh yeah, all the time."
so before I could feel like an idiot for too long the fire captain looks at him and says-
pretty much he got really irratated that this was "normal."
(side note, I am pretty sure my apartment manager got sited for the driveways not being accessable to the fire trucks and for having faulty stoves. eeks)

looking at the top floor, our apartment, you could tell when they actually opened the stove because a huge gushing smoke cloud comes billowing out the sliding door which they had opened. garsh.

When I am told I need to go inside, I go in. There are 2 firefighters still inside( if I was single oh my gosh I would have been in heaven), they tell me I need to have them replace the stove and that they had to break the stove door open because it was locked and wouldnt open till it was "clean." garsh, again. so now my stove is dirty, hot, broken and it the middle of my friggin kitchen. oh wells. I decide no more cleaning for me today. lol. I sat on the couch and watched Nanny 911.



Beki Jo said...

katie, how come the first person you can think of calling for a question like that is 911? Not Jason, your mom, Jason's mom, someone else who has stove experience? Ah! I love it though! I need a cool story like that!

Kati said...

because there were flames in my stove! I didnt think I had time for that! it only takes a short while for flames to ignite ya know. lol

Shalamar said...

That is the funniest story I've ever heard! I love it! Way to go though for making sure everyone got out. That just cracks me up! What an awesome story to tell your kids or at parties.

Crandalls said...

lol...your story reminded me of when I caught our apartment on fire when we had only been married less than a year...grease fires are something I NEVER want to experience again:) But it does bring back funny memories...

Angela said...

Katie, that is certainly an experience! But hey - you get a new stove! :-) Apartment stoves usually aren't that nice, so maybe you'll get a good one now.

Andrew & Angel Bitter said...

That is crazy Katie!! I laughed so hard. You made my day.

Tinkerbell said...

Okay that seriously was one of the funniest stories I have ever heard!!! By the way this is Jason's cousin Stacy. Cute blog...check ours out

The Viewer said...

Oh my stars.. no more 911 phone calls from you- haha like that time in the Christiansen's basement. SO FUNNY