Saturday, January 17, 2009


So today Jason and I went to the mall and I tried on some clothes. It was great. I am down an entire pant size! and american eagle shirts actually looked good on me. yay for losing weight! ya know whats funny about that? this is the ONLY year I didnt make a new years resolution, normally I make a resolution to lose weight, and the year i dont make one, I lose weight! whatever works. 

Last night Jason and I went on a date. yep thats right, a date! it was very fun. we went to The Tuscany, its the most fancy place I had ever been to. we had a gift certificate, I got Lasagna and Jason got chicken. our meals were very delicious. After dinner we went to temple square and watched the Jospeh Smith movie. that was good, my husband was so cute ;-). When we got home Jasons good friend James and his wife Jordan came over with their baby! so cute. We sat around and talked, then played a bunch of games. Date nights with them are really a good time. I really like James and Jordan, we dont hang out with that often but we are going to change that. We are going to have a BBQ chicken night with them soon, it will be a good time. 

I got new running shoes!! YAY! I NEEDED new running shoes. my only ones were ones from payless shoes like 3 years ago. no bueno. I did get a blister this week from some other shoes I got for christmas, I opted to pop the blister and cover it with a band-aid. I googled it and the opinions were split on whether people think you should pop them or leave them alone. I decided to pop it because I thought it would be fun lol. would you pop it or leave it alone?


Angela said...

It's best to pop them, and then cover them up. However, don't leave them covered 100% of the time so that they can dry up. Yea, kind of gross, but it works. I used to have to do that ALL the time when I danced ALL the time. :-) Glad y'all had a fun date night, and that you got new running shoes!!!

Whit said...

Hey did your husband go to Murray High? Because my husband thinks he knows him from choir!

Kati said...

Angela thats exactly what I did! YAY for me!!

Tinkerbell said...

Pop them...they heal much quicker and in my opinion it's a lot less painful:)

bequi said...

I'm disappointed you used the letter Q in your post, but it wasn't my name.

You're not supposed to pop them. My doctor told me you "lance" them near the edge and squeeze out the fluid because that's what causes the pain, but you leave the skin on to protect the injury.

The Viewer said...

WAY TO GO SUGAR!! I'm so happy for you. I wanna lose a pant size too!!

Mike n Julia said...

Hey not fair!! I want to loose a pant size!! What is your secret? Just not setting a goal...LOL!! Anyway that is exciting!