Wednesday, January 28, 2009

random topics

HI!! this is pretty much going to be a really random post. so I am still down a whole pant size!! YAY! I am excited and very proud of myself, BUT I didnt realize that by losing weight, My clothes wouldnt fit. So ALL of my work pants, my 7 pairs of slacks, dont fit and they dont have belt loops so I have to safety pin them. I dont want to buy new clothes because I am still wanting to go down a few sizes. here is a picture of my progress!I think its probably 3-4 inches of my waist, and I am not sucking in!!! Oh and by the way, I have done this WITHOUT a scale. I have no idea how much I weigh, I feel like scales depress people, especially when they weigh in at random points of the day cause your body naturaly fluctuates. Besides, I dont care how much I weigh, I care what size I am! Here is what I do, I eat siz small meals a day. In the morning I have a breakfast drink and maybe some toast, then I have a yogurt around10, small lunch at 1230, at 3 I have 2 granola bars, the at 6 I have dinner with Jason, a around 8 I go to the gym, I run for 30 mins or I go for 15 mins doing every 30 seconds walking( it keeps your body from adjusting to running so you still burn fast) after that I come home and eat pepperoni and cottage cheese or edamama! YAY! I also drink my 64 oz of water a day, that part sucks. I do pilates 5 times a week in the morning after Jason leaves for work, I dont go to work til 9 so I have time to do it. Which brings me to my next topic...WORK!!!
           I work at Orange Legal Technologies. It is a technology place that helps law firms with their computer systems, copying and scanning, and with their electronic forensics. Don't worry, I dont do that stuff, although i could, My title is Customer Service Rep, which is way fun!!! I get to go to all the law firms in salt lake, talk to the attorneys and get their projects from them, take them back to my work and give them to the people who do the stuff!! Its pretty much a REALLY great chance for me to network with all the law firms so when I get my Paralegal degree I will already know A LOT of people and be able to find a great job really fast no matter the economy. I am very excited about it and it was totally worth the wait.
            Jason got a PS3 video game thing. He really likes it and has a lot of fun playing on it. We have a month pass to blockbuster so he can play whatever game he wants altough he has had the same game out forever. football, go figure.
            My dad comes home from Iraq on Feb 8th!!! he actually leaves Iraq on feb 2 at 150 am which is like feb 1st at noonish to us! my mom as you can imagine is very excited. We left all the christmas decorations up because he missed christmas, so yes, my mom kept the tree up, the stockings, lights and everything! I think its very cute. He is flying into the army airport so we will be with all the other families of the deployed soliders, its always a very emotional place but this time its in a good way.
           I have other craft projects in mind that I wanna do but I have to wait til we get a house because Jason doesnt want me putting anymore holes in the wall. This idea is for nightstands though, not your typical nightstand, I am excited! I will let you now!
Jason and I arent buying a house anytime soon but we are buying a car!! mine is just such a POS. Apparently they released a new mazda 6 model so all the old ones are really really cheap. 2007 and 2008 mazda 6's are going for 10k-12k now. So that is probably what we will get cause that is just a ridiculously good deal. It will be funny cause Jason already has a Mazda3 so both of our cars will be Mazdas. oh well!!!


Heather said...

Girl you look great! You are so inspiring!

The Viewer said...

OH MY GOSH! you are so TINY!! Way to go! You are my inspiration lol!!

Cassie said...

Congratulations. You have some amazing will power. Dan and I have gym passes, but we almost never go. I would love to get my act together and be ready for the dreaded swimsuit season. You look great.

Shalamar said...

Congrats Katie! That's awesome, you look great. I'll have to try out that diet after I have my baby. Hopefully I'll be able to get rid of the baby weight. You are so disciplined.

Shalamar said...

So I have two different yoga videos. One is Yoga for Dummies, which is my favorite. I got it a long time ago and it's so awesome. And I just got a new one. My husband is doing this biggest loser challenge at work and got a bunch of 10 minute trainer videos and one of them is called Yoga Flex. They're pretty awesome. I've been doing yoga for a while and it really does help with flexibility and relaxation. Oh and about having a million me, no matter what you have, you'll love it because it'll be a beautiful baby that is half you and half Jason! Anyway, good luck and let me know if you try yoga and what you think about it.

Heather said...

p.s. there are pictures of my house in a September post on my blog :) Your place is so cute- I love your crafts!

Chelsey Paige said...

Wow you are doing awesome! Seriously, props to you. I have tried and tried losing weight and just don't have the will power or motivation.

You should come check out my blog!