Saturday, March 14, 2009

AW how cute!

K so my little cousin said the cutest thing the other day. My cousin Allie is like 4 years old I think. Well my sister hollie was released from the hospital a few days ago and she made an appearance at a family birthday party. My cousin allie decided she wanted to drive home with them so they were getting into the car and it takes a while for my parents to load Hollie into the car and Allie looked at my mom and asked,

"is the mean man who hit Hollie in jail?"

to which my sister and my mom said," no honey, it was an accident, he didnt mean to hit her he just lost control of his car."

to which my sweet little sassy cousin replied," Oh...was he texting?"



Angela said...

Hey! That's such a cute comment!! She must be paying attention to the news and stuff. :-)

Heather said...

Oh my gosh- that is too funny! Hope Hollie is doing well!

bequi said...

Well? Was he?

Kati said...

lol not that I know of.